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Rush’s Morning Update: Dead!
June 30, 2009

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Last Friday the House of Representativesvoted 219 to 212 in favor of the so-called “American Clean Energy and Security Act.” Ifthis thingpasses the Senate, centuries of American progress will be reversed. Under this bill, our energy resources will be taxed so heavily and cut back so drastically, our status as the economic engine of the world will be destroyed.

On American land and coastlines lie vast deposits of coal, natural gas, and oil. Since colonial times, Americans innovators have used our resources to advance our prosperity. They’ve pioneered ways to efficiently produce that energy. But for decades, liberals have thwarted us from using our own abundant natural resources, making us dependent on nations that now use their wealth to threaten us. Liberals have demonized our own energy producers and have even blamed us for being greedy consumers. Now they are exacting their punishment.

These liberal legislators, 89 of them from five states – California, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York – are using fraudulent science as justification to destroy American jobs and impose prosperity-killing tax increases on everybody.

Sadly, eight Republicans signed on with liberal Democrats to force this scheme down our throats: California’s Mary Bono; Delaware’s Michael Castle; Mark Kirk of Illinois; Leonard Lance, Frank LoBiondo, and Christopher Smith of New Jersey; New York’s John McHugh; and David Reichert of Washington. Hopefully voters will visit upon each what is due. Meanwhile, either the Senate kills this measure or our prosperity has been burried.

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