Rush’s Morning Update: Speed June 25, 2009

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 25,2009

Rush’s Morning Update: Speed
June 25, 2009

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On Monday, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told state-run media organizations that the Bamster wants action on immigration reform this year. But, he noted, getting the votes for it will be difficult.

Next day, Democrat Senate leader Dingy Harry Reid announced that Democrats have enough votes to pass an immigration bill. New York Senator “Chuck You” Schumer – whose subcommittee handles immigration – declared: “All the fundamental building blocks are in place to pass comprehensive reform this session, and possibly later this year.” He said “President Obama’s leadership will be the critical difference” in getting it “over the hump.”

So this year – in addition to taking over the auto industry, controlling Wall Street, putting us trillions of dollars in debt, paying off big labor, rolling out billions of new taxes with a “cap-and-trade” energy bill, attempting to take over the heath care industry – and with unemployment still skyrocketing – Democrats are going for “comprehensive immigration reform.”

You want to hazard a guess what Democrat mean when they say “comprehensive immigration reform”? No matter how you dress it up, strip it down, or throw it around, it means only one thing. Amnesty – for illegal immigrants…who represent a voting block that Democrats want to cement as their own for generations to come.

The speed at which this Party is trying to destroy our private sector, our institutions, and our freedoms is breathtaking. Is this really what you want…to succeed?

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