A Rush Baby Thanks His Professor

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 5,2009

RUSH: Matthew in Fresno, California, you’re on Open Line Friday. Hi, sir.

CALLER: Hello, sir. Mega dittos. I just wanted to call to let you know that I just graduated from Fresno State as a political science major.

RUSH: Congratulations.
CALLER: Thank you, sir. I’ve grown up ever since second grade coming home and watching the Rush Limbaugh show with my dad. I’ve had Rush Limbaugh around me my whole life. My wife bought my first Rush 24/7 subscription when we got married, and I’ve used information from the Limbaugh Letters and from the Essential Stack for at least 90% of all papers written during my college career. I just want to thank you for everything that you’ve done and much appreciated.

RUSH: You’re making me blush here. Is my face getting red? Can you see it on the Dittocam?

CALLER: (chuckles)

RUSH: That is so nice of you to say. You have made my day.

CALLER: I’m forever grateful for all that you do for the conservative movement, sir. My children right now are listening to you. They love dancing when the music comes on. I’ve got a two-and-a-half and a one-year-old and they just love listening to you.

RUSH: Well, thank you very much. That is just… In these times, to learn that people your age and your kids are somehow missing the exposure to that which would pervert their thinking is just great. You are doing a great job. I’m sure it’s not easy for you out there bucking the trends of popular sentiment yourself.

CALLER: No, it… I mean, some of my classes, you know, I was probably one of three conservatives and probably the only one actually speaking up in a lot of my classes. But, you know, armed with a lot of the information that you put out there, I’ve been able to defeat a lot of the liberal premises.

RUSH: You know what, we need a… That is just great. He’s a subscriber to the Limbaugh Letter, which is our newsletter, largest political newsletter in the country (800-457-4141 is the number to order it) and the Essential Stack of Stuff is our encyclopedia at RushLimbaugh.com on the website. Thanks, Matthew. Congratulations. I appreciate it more than you know.