Now, you might be saying, ‘She’s entitled, Rush, because she’s a minority, and minorities do not have the power to implement whatever racism they have.’ That was Jesse Jackson’s old argument that black people cannot be racist because they don’t have the power to go along with it. Excuse me, she’s on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and she has used this power in deciding cases, and she has been rebuked by fellow judges on the Second Circuit. So you’re gonna hear evil Limbaugh called Obama and Sotomayor ‘reverse racists.’ We’ve got the transcript up, everything I said about Sotomayor and Obama. The second half hour was devoted to my reaction to Colin Powell and Tom Ridge. Both transcripts are now up at for the Drive-By Media to more accurately misquote. Let the misquoting begin. If anybody is ever taken out of context in any of this, it’s me. But I don’t follow that up with (crying). And, of course, nobody has ever reported the compelling story that I have that brought me to my heights. Just the exact opposite. I’m portrayed as somebody born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So it is what it is. Racism is what it is. Reverse racism is what it is. And Sotomayor qualifies by virtue of her own words. Can’t deny ’em.
Chris in Burnsville, Minnesota. You’re up. Hello.
CALLER: Hey. Hello, Rush. How are you today?
RUSH: Fine, sir. Thank you.
CALLER: Good. Such a pleasure to get to talk to you after listening to you for a couple years. Before I get to my comment, I’m 37, back when I was about 18, I used to hate you, Rush. Oh, did I hate you. And the funny thing was I never heard a word you said, just what I heard. Thankfully, the first I could listen to what you said, and now I could not agree with you more. I drive for a living, so I listen to you every day. And thank you very much for being the voice of millions out there, Rush. We appreciate it.
RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.
CALLER: Absolutely. So what I called about, all the racism talk and everything, it seems to me that so far in Obama’s presidency more than pushing a socialist agenda, which to me is just leveling of the playing field, not dependent on race, age, gender, or anything, that it’s — their racist policies, he’s waging a class war. Socioeconomically, minorities have always been —
RUSH: Exactly. That’s why I said he shows up with a chip on his shoulder. This is an angry guy.
CALLER: I know. And he’s making every — you know, I try not to get too angry, but I do, you know, and I get mad, and, you know, it’s just so much more insidious than just socialism that he’s tried — it’s kind of like he’s saying, okay, whitey, I’m going to pay you back now.
RUSH: That’s what you think is going on?
CALLER: That’s what it seems like to me with a lot of his decisions.
RUSH: And you are a former lib?
CALLER: I wouldn’t say I was a former lib, Rush. I just didn’t like you. When I was younger —
CALLER: — you know, I was into the punk rock music and all that —
RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
CALLER: — you know, anti-establishment.
RUSH: You were a longhaired, maggot-infested FM type, I got it. All right. But you’re on our side now, and I’m with you a hundred percent, bro. You have nailed this. Obama’s brother, by the way, still living on pennies a day in Kenya in a hut! Hut hut.