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RUSH: Folks, you have to hear this. A promo that CNN is running to promote the Sunday show hosted by John King, State of the Union. Now, on CNN today, they have already — it’s an interview with Tom Ridge, who is the former director of Homeland Security in the Bush administration, governor of Pennsylvania, and they were talking about Ridge as potentially running for Arlen Specter’s seat in the Pennsylvania Senate to replace Specter since Specter (another Republican) has joined the Democrats, a la Colin Powell, the old guard. On CNN today they’ve already played a portion of the Tom Ridge interview in which Ridge rips Cheney for criticizing Obama. They are holding another part of the Ridge interview for air Sunday and that’s what they’re promoting and here’s John King promoting.

KING: He went on some very interesting things to say. More interesting things to say about the national security debate and you will say very interesting on why he decided want to run for the article Arlen Specter Senate seat up in Pennsylvania. Many Republicans had wanted him to do that. And he talks about the future of the Republican Party. And you might want to hear what he thinks about Rush Limbaugh.

RUSH: So that’s how John King is promoting his interview on Sunday with former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge. He’s already ripped Cheney. He already played the portion of the interview where he ripped Cheney for criticizing Obama, when Cheney said Obama has made the country less safe. So he says, ‘You might be interested to hear what he has to say about Rush Limbaugh.’ Now… (laughing) Now, ladies and gentlemen, I last saw Tom Ridge at a football game. It was in Pittsburgh. It was not last season. I think it was the season before, maybe two seasons before. So it’s been a couple years.

But I ran into Tom Ridge up there in one of the boxes prior to the game (I don’t even remember who the Steelers were playing) and I just want to say that he was nice as he could be. I didn’t know he was in the room. The room was very crowded. He sought me out, came up and said hello. We talked about his future. It was purely amicable. It was like two guys on the same team saying hello to one another and having a discussion, and so now (chuckles) he’s giving an interview to John King at CNN and they’re promoting the airing of the rest of the interview on Sunday with a tease to tune in to hear what Tom Ridge said about me.

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