Rush’s Morning Update: Mo’ Power! May 21, 2009 May 20, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Mo’ Power!May 21, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
The California Ballot Initiatives, Federalism and Colin Powell’s GOP May 20, 2009RUSH: All right, a quick question, folks. Be honest with yourselves. How many of you are genuinely...
My Advice for Thomas Golisano May 20, 2009RUSH: I have admitted on this program countless times, I left New York in 1997 strictly to get...
No Mas! El Rushbo Resigns as Titular Head of Republican Party May 20, 2009RUSH: As any of you and all of you who have been paying attention to the Drive-By news media the...
Dingy Harry and Democrats Try to Cover for Obama’s Gitmo Mistake May 20, 2009RUSH: Dingy Harry ‘became the latest Democrat to stray into rhetorical trouble Tuesday,...
Loss of Auto Ads Leads Minority Broadcasters to Plead for Bailout May 20, 2009RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I seldom talk about the broadcast business or people in it because in...
Go Tell Your Boss, Mrs. Clinton May 20, 2009RUSH: Listen to this from Mrs. Clinton. Andy McCarthy, if you still have the radio on (laughs)...