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RUSH: Gotta listen to this sound bite, folks. This is our old buddy, the diminutive egghead Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner, in Washington this afternoon at the National Press Club, being interviewed by the editor of Newsweek, Jon Meacham. Here’s the question for Timothy Geithner from Jon Meacham, ‘You have two children. The deficit over the next ten years is expected to hit $11 trillion. How do you feel about saddling your kids with that debt?’

GEITHNER: We face again this deep recession, damaged financial system. And our immediate imperative still is to get growth back on track. That requires us to do things that are expensive, that cost money, in the short term will raise deficits. At the same time we do that, we have to commit to Americans, to investors around the world that we’re going to be able to get back to living within our own means when the crisis passed and when the recovery is established, we’re going to have to get back to living within our means. And that’s going to require demonstrating to people we’re willing to stop doing things they’ve been doing, give up things that we don’t want to give up, and that will be a challenge.

RUSH: Whoa wait a second, who’s he talking about here? Because I know damn well he’s not talking about the government giving up things. He’s talking about you and me and apparently his own kids. So it’s our fault. All of this is our fault. The reason we’re in a recession is our fault and the government, to save us, has to spend all this debt, all this money. And once this crisis is over, we’re going to have to get back to living within our means and that’s going to require demonstrating to people willing to stop doing things we’ve been doing, give up things that we don’t want to give up, and that will be a challenge. What’s going to be the challenge? They’re going to make us. They’re going to make us give up these things. So there’s your future, from the Treasury secretary of the Obama administration. You caused this, you gave us this recession, your irresponsibility, your desire, you wanted too much. You haven’t given enough back. Now, when we get out of this recession you’re going to have to give up a lot of things. We’re going to have to return to a more austere lifestyle.

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