Tuesday Quotes: Resisting the Tug of Popular Sentiment May 12, 2009You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”Practically everything...
Rush’s Morning Update: Compassion? May 13, 2009 May 12, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Compassion?May 13, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Trump and Prejean Zing Obama May 12, 2009RUSH: What a great zinger that Donald Trump threw at Obama. Oh, it was fabulous. And I’ll tell you...
We’ve Never Been Here Before May 12, 2009RUSH: Barack Obama, Chrysler, what is it down to now, GM down to $1.10, down 34 cents. They’re...
The Drive-Bys Go Berserk Over Cheney, Powell and El Rushbo May 12, 2009RUSH: Okay. The media, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and me. I have a montage here of Drive-By Media...
Obama Meetings Fix Health Care May 12, 2009RUSH: I want to move on to Obama’s next takeover of health care. He’s going to have a couple of...
Will the Pendulum Swing Back? May 12, 2009RUSH: Jennifer in Bloomington, Indiana. We start on the phones with you, and great to have you...
The War on Evil, Deadly Sugar May 12, 2009RUSH: All right, Lillian in DuBois, Pennsylvania, great to have you on the EIB Network....