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Rush’s Morning Update: Bully!
May 7, 2009

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Despite the hard feelings from his political base toward Bill Clinton, President Bush protected Clinton’s archives. He shut down attempts to investigate Clintonor his administration. During his two terms, Bush never singled out American citizens or businesses for contempt, or demonized his political opponents. As his term ended, Bush executed a gracious transition, despite being used as an object of derision during Obama’s campaign.

Three months into an administration that promised to “change” the way politics was conducted, Obama frequently ridicules and blames Bush. He and his fellow Democrats are intent on launching a witch hunt of the previous administration. Obama and his team have heaped scorn and derision on private citizens and individual businesses. Organized mobs have appeared at the homes of Obama targets, and their families have been subjected to death threats.

And now– despite heated denials from the White House– more than one Chrysler creditor confirms that Obama officials threatened them with public attacks if they didn’t surrender their legal claims to Chrysler’s assets. These sources,by the way,voted for Obama!

Theodore Roosevelt coined the term “bully pulpit” to describe the power a president has to advocate a positionand influence public opinion. But the Obama administration’s “bully pulpit” is straight out of the arsenal of Al Capone of Chicago: “My way, or the highway.” It’s all bully,no pulpit.

Things have changed,in ways…that make you not even recognize your country anymore.

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