Rush’s Morning Update: Screwed May 5, 2009 May 4, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: ScrewedMay 5, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
See, I Told You So: US Businesses Scared by Obama Regime Threats May 4, 2009RUSH: Let’s go back to me on this program on Friday. I made this prediction.RUSH ARCHIVE: So...
Our Nostalgia Isn’t for Reagan, Jeb. It’s for Conservatives with Courage May 4, 2009RUSH: Washington Times yesterday had the following headline: ‘Jeb Bush, GOP: Time to Leave...
Let’s Replace the Listening Tour with a Conservative Teaching Tour May 4, 2009RUSH: I’m going to start here at the top of these sound bites with Jeb Bush again. Jeb is the...
Obama’s Remaking of America May 4, 2009‘Wall Street is not going to play as dominant a role in the economy as regulations reduce...
Connie Schultz, Ignorant Ditz May 4, 2009RUSH: This is kind of a waste of time because we’re going to be giving airtime to a stupid person,...
You Cannot Fight Left-Wing Absolutes with Lukewarm Water May 4, 2009RUSH: Here’s Laurie in White Plains in New York. Hi, Laurie. Glad you waited and welcome to the...
Democrats Plan to Put Private Health Care Industry Out of Business May 4, 2009RUSH: Carol in Cary, North Carolina. Great to have you on the program. Thank you for...