Rush’s Morning Update: Stand May 4, 2009 May 1, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: StandMay 4, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in QuickTimeListen...
Karl Rove Can Handle Himself May 1, 2009RUSH: Molly in Carmel, California. What a beautiful place!CALLER: (giggling)RUSH: Now, are you in...
Obama Searches for a Failure May 1, 2009RUSH: Bill in Philadelphia. Greatly to have you here, sir, on Open Line Friday.CALLER: Captain, my...
Andy McCarthy’s Fabulous, Gutsy Letter to Attorney General Holder May 1, 2009RUSH: Andrew McCarthy, who is editor at National Review Online, former attorney in the US...
McCain Heads GOP Road Show? May 1, 2009RUSH: Last night, Campbell Brown, No Bias, No Bull, she’s on maternity leave, has some guest host...
Rush is #38 on the TIME 100 List of the World’s Most Influential People May 1, 2009RUSH: I don’t know if you’ve heard this or not, but I have somehow made TIME Magazine’s list of...
Caller Considers Run for Office May 1, 2009RUSH: This is Grant in Comfort, Texas. Nice to have you on the program, sir. Hello.CALLER: Howdy....
Obama Views Chrysler Deal as Vehicle to Achieve Social Justice May 1, 2009RUSH: In the previous hour, we were discussing the hapless and comical — I’m still amazed...
Andrew McCarthy’s Letter to Attorney General Holder May 1, 2009*Note: Links to content outside usually become inactive over time.
Michelle-O Wears $540 Tennis Shoes to Event Feeding the Poor May 1, 2009RUSH: A Supreme Court justice can wear $540 tennis shoes like Michelle Obama wore at a feed the...
Did Arlen Specter Do Us a Favor? May 1, 2009RUSH: Now, all this talk about Souter retiring and the fight over his replacement and so forth....
Obama’s Supreme Court Criteria: Identity Politics and Redistribution May 1, 2009RUSH: I guess about 45 minutes ago I’m sitting here minding my own business, bothering nobody in...
What El Rushbo Bought When He First Started Making Money May 1, 2009RUSH: Dan in Columbus, Ohio. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.CALLER: Truck driving...