Busting the Myth of the Bush Years

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 29,2009

RUSH: ‘The last eight years were a failure.’ I ran into that in the room last night. Over half the room last night thought the last eight years were an abject failure. If you think the last eight years were an abject failure, I want to ask you to remember something. And I know that many of you in this audience probably think the last eight years were an abject failure. Monday, Air Force One, a Boeing 747, buzzed Ground Zero at a thousand feet to 1500 feet in Manhattan, and it was trailed by two F-16 fighter jets, one of which could be seen, the other one was at an altitude difficult to spot.

Nobody in New York knew what was going on. People in office buildings, near Ground Zero, fled. They ran for their lives in fear. What does that tell you? It tells you that the people in New York haven’t forgotten 9/11. It’s still in the forefront of their minds. All they have to do is see a jumbo jet flying at a thousand feet to send them into a panic. You think the last eight years were a disaster? You think the last eight years were an abject failure? We didn’t have any more of those jets crashing into buildings the last eight years because of an administration that sought first and foremost to defend and protect this country to make sure it wouldn’t happen again. I find it fascinating that under the Obama administration is when those fears are realized again by an act taken by his administration.


RUSH: Remember, folks, George W. Bush was reelected only four years and a few months ago. The last eight years could not have been that bad. It’s amazing the power of myths.