Biden Says We’re at War for Oil

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 17,2009

RUSH: This is Jill in Cleveland, Texas. Great to have you with us.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. A while back I called you about my son, Randy, being brainwashed at school into believing that the reason we went to Iraq was for the oil. Do you remember that?

RUSH: Never forget that.


RUSH: You were very worried about your son.
CALLER: Well, I’d like to give you an update. I asked him what his teacher said, and he told me he joined the Marines.

RUSH: He joined the Marines after hearing — I told you the real reasons we were in Iraq had nothing to do with oil.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: And your son went and joined the Marines.

CALLER: That’s right.

RUSH: Where is he now?

CALLER: He’s in North Carolina, waiting to deploy to Afghanistan.

RUSH: They’re sending him to Afghanistan?

CALLER: I think so.

RUSH: Jill, are you proud? Did you expect that to happen?

CALLER: No. I expected some kind of smart-ass remark from his teacher.

RUSH: Jill, it’s interesting that you called today about this because I stumbled across a news story last night when I was engaged in show prep and it’s from the Kansas City Scar newspaper. I’ll give you a quote. It’s from our highly respected Vice President Joe Biden, who, by the way, does not speak with a teleprompter. So you can’t blame this on the teleprompter. Are you listening out there, Jill?

CALLER: Yeah, can we blame it on him?

RUSH: This is Joe Biden: ‘How many of you think we would have so many troops stationed in that area of the world –‘ the Middle East, ‘– if we didn’t need the oil? If you add the actual price of oil, it’s probably $10 more a barrel just by the military we have to provide to be able to ensure those oil lanes stay open.’ So now all of a sudden after seven years of Democrats being led by people like Biden saying how the war was unjust because it was for oil, here is Joe Biden claiming we’re there for oil and we’ve always been there for oil, and our troops are there for oil. Now, we didn’t fight the war for oil. Do not misunderstand here, Jill. We didn’t fight the war for oil. We don’t have their oil. We didn’t have to fight a war to get their oil. I think as I told you, if we wanted their oil we could have just said: ‘Okay, you guys can clean up your own mess here and we’re going to take over the oil-producing aspects of your country,’ and we could just take it over. There was nobody there to stop us. But we didn’t do that. These people on the left are just out of their minds.

So here’s Biden. You know what he’s doing? Here’s his strategery on this. Joe Biden is trying to convince people that if we stop using oil, we’ll save a lot of money and we can bring our troops home, because if we don’t use oil from over there, we won’t need to protect oil pipelines, shipping lanes or any of that. This is all part of this administration’s push toward the green energy sources that are not going to manifest themselves, solar energy, which is a giant ruse, and windmills and this sort of thing. The logical conclusion to what Vice President Biden is saying here, if Obama is in charge, and his spokesman is admitting that they are keeping our men and women in harm’s way for oil, then why don’t we drill our own? We have plenty of oil. Oil reserves offshore in this country, go get our own. Why are we — as they love to say — deploying American treasure to the foreign sands of Saudi Arabia to protect their oil when we’ve got our own?

If we’re in the Middle East for oil, why not drill here and drill now to save these lives immediately? We’ve got plenty of oil in our country and offshore. This is a significant statement. Gibbs ought to be asked about this, the brilliant Press Secretary for the Obama Administration. Joe Biden, ‘How many of you think we would have so many troops stationed in that area of the world if we didn’t need the oil? If you add the actual price of oil, it’s probably $10 more a barrel just by the military we have to provide to be able to ensure those oil lanes stay open.’ I also think this is a despicable way to minimize the US military security guards for something we have in abundance. These people are just dumping all over the US military. Their DHS report, and now this. But I guess it was a lie when they said we were doing all this for oil. Biden’s now admitting that’s why we deploy the military.