Cities Line Up to Woo El Rushbo

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 31,2009

RUSH: My announcement to pull out of New York yesterday, it’s just so predictable, half the media throwing parties. ‘Oh, big, fat Limbaugh getting out of New York. Oh, boo, ooh. No tears here.’ Others are wondering if this will start a parade. I’m not trying to start a parade. I don’t care. They leave out half of what I said yesterday about the final straw here with all this. I mean, to get audited every year, to have to show where I am 14 different ways every day of the year because I pay per diem taxes, I only pay taxes in New York and New York City when I work there. So I try to limit those days, and they just come at you every year, you can make book on it. The latest audit has been going on for six months. Try the legal fees on that. It’s pure harassment. The only way to end this is to get the hell out of there. It’s just a backup location anyway, as I said yesterday for hurricane relocation. In fact, the mayor of Vegas, Oscar Goodman called, wants to give me a sales pitch to move to Vegas. I got people from Nashville; I got people from Houston; I got people from Dallas saying, ‘Hey, relocate here. We got no state income tax here. We’ve got great entertainment options and we’ll be sure that you can find a great place to have your studio and so forth.’

So it’s funny to watch people — (interruption) yeah, Vegas. The mayor of Vegas himself called the office this morning, he called our station, KXNT, and said he was serious, but he wants to talk to H.R., chief of staff, about all this. I want you people to understand, I live year round in Florida. I do not live in New York and I have not lived in New York for 12 years. It’s only when there are hurricanes threatening and that’s only because if we lose power down here in a hurricane, we can’t do the program, so I flee to New York because that’s where the original studio was, but hell, it’s not worth it. It really just isn’t worth the hassle now with these new tax increases coming down the pike, it’s stupid. And I know there are people, ‘He’s not willing to do his civic duty.’ Civic duty, my — you know, I better take a break because I am on the verge of profanity here over just general principles today.