Comparison: Barack Obama and Sarah Palin on Special Olympics

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 20,2009

RUSH: We’ll go to Louisville and Ann. It’s nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. Mega dittos from Louisville.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I’m calling in response to Mr. Obama’s remark about Special Olympics.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: I’ve had the privilege of being associated with that community for 46 years with my daughter. His backhanded apology was as insulting as the remark.

RUSH: Just an offhand re–

CALLER: He meant exactly what he said, and it shows the character of this man.

RUSH: Yeah, I agree. I think he’s a cold guy. I think he’s got a chip on his shoulder. He’s got a little anger out there — and remember: there was no apology forthcoming until people started calling the White House. This is something. If it had been me and I had said that, I would apologize in the middle show. ‘Jay, look, I’m sorry about that. I’m trying to make fun of myself. I’m a lousy bowler. I’m just trying to make fun of myself.’ I would have done it right then and there. I wouldn’t have said it in the first place, but…

CALLER: I feel this man’s presidency has been driven by response to what he thinks is racial prejudice.

RUSH: Did you like him before this comment or not?


RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: I didn’t. But this certainly… I know there isn’t many other —

RUSH: Well, just —

CALLER: — huge issues here, but this is important to us.

RUSH: Just remember, Ann: this man cares. George W. Bush was a village idiot. This man, he cares.


RUSH: We just had the call from Ann in Louisville, who has been with Special Olympics for 46 years because of one of her children, and she was among many who are offended by Obama’s comment on The Tonight Show. The point she made was his apology didn’t do it for her. I want to go back to the first hour. I want to contrast two people for you. Do you remember during the presidential campaign how the media, the Democrats and the left, savaged Sarah Palin? It’s expected. It’s who they are. She was effective. She threatened them. She brought life and energy to the moribund McCain campaign. She had to be destroyed. That’s the left’s modus operandi. We expect that. However, we have some people on our side who also think that they are part of the best and the brightest.

They’re smarter than everybody else, part of the New York-Washington media axis. They were referring to Barack Obama as elegant. ‘He’s so elegant! He’s so suave. He’s so brilliant. He’s so calm and cool. Soothing! He’s just like Joe Camel! He’s Joe Camel. This man is cool as can be. It’s great.’ People on our side said, ‘It’s great to have somebody as smart as we are running for president. It’s great to have somebody as well spoken as we are. It’s great to have an academic, somebody from Harvard Law, somebody from the University of Chicago Law School. It’s great to have one of us, a fellow egghead running for office,’ and these same people said of Sarah Palin, ‘How vulgar!’ People on our side said, ‘How vulgar. How uncouth. How so…middle class. That accent! Oh! D’oh! I just can’t stand her accent. She had the baby?’ People on our side were saying, ‘She had the baby with Down syndrome? No. Look at that! She’s whipping these middle-American Republicans into a frenzy! This is bad. This is not how we’re going to become a majority party. Sarah Palin? Oh, she’s so vulgar.’ So, here’s Barack Obama last night on The Tonight Show.

OBAMA: No! No! I — I have been practice — I, uh, have been practicing all alone.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

LENO: Really? Really?

OBAMA: I — I, uh, bowled at 129.

AUDIENCE: (cheers and applause)

OBAMA: Yes, I have!

LENO: Oh, no. That’s very good. (clapping)

OBAMA: I swear it was like —

LENO: Yeah. Oh, that’s very good, Mr. President.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

OBAMA: It was like Special Olympics or something.

AUDIENCE: (wild laughter)

RUSH: Yeah, I bowled a 129. Oh, wonderful, 129! Oh ho-ho! ‘Oh, that’s very good, Mr. President,’ Leno says with a little cynicism. ‘Yeah, yeah! You know, it’s like Special Olympics or something!’ Yeah, Special Olympics. Here’s Sarah Palin, March 7th, 2009, on her website, SarahPAC.com holding her baby with Down Syndrome, Trig, addressing the 2009 Special Olympics.

PALIN: When I first held Trig, it was like an hourglass turned upside down. My heart filled up with love, as my mind emptied itself of all the different worries and fears and concerns that I had. I had carried those while I was carrying him. Everyone wants their baby to be perfect. And with Trig, that’s exactly what we got. Everyone worries about what the future holds for their newborn child. With Trig we have hopes and concerns and dreams just as we do for all our children, but one thing is certain for our family, and that’s that Special Olympics is going to be a big part of his and our future.

OBAMA: No! No! I — I have been practice — I, uh, have been practicing all alone.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

LENO: Really? Really?

OBAMA: I — I, uh, bowled at 129.

AUDIENCE: (cheers and applause)

OBAMA: Yes, I have!

LENO: Oh, no. That’s very good. (clapping)

OBAMA: I swear it was like —

LENO: Yeah. Oh, that’s very good, Mr. President.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

OBAMA: It was like Special Olympics or something.

AUDIENCE: (wild laughter)

RUSH: ‘It was like Special Olympics or something.’ So there’s the elegant and suave and intelligent, brilliant, well-spoken Barack Obama; versus the vulgar, uncouth, unsophisticated Sarah Palin. Here’s another sound bite from Ms. Palin.

PALIN: Now thanks to Special Olympics, we know for certain that Trig is going to have every opportunity to enjoy sports and competition that all of our other children have. I know I don’t have to worry that he’s going to be on the sidelines, when he wants to be in the game. You know what the difference is between a hockey mom and a Special Olympics hockey mom? Nothing. For our family and for millions of other families with special, special children, Special Olympics gives us confidence and excitement for his future, and we’ve got big plans for this little guy — and we can’t wait.

OBAMA: No! No! I — I have been practice — I, uh, have been practicing all alone.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

LENO: Really? Really?

OBAMA: I — I, uh, bowled at 129.

AUDIENCE: (cheers and applause)

OBAMA: Yes, I have!

LENO: Oh, no. That’s very good. (clapping)

OBAMA: I swear it was like —

LENO: Yeah. Oh, that’s very good, Mr. President.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

OBAMA: It was like Special Olympics or something.

AUDIENCE: (wild laughter)

RUSH: There you have it side by side. The elegant, suave, sophisticated, brilliant, educated Barack Obama; versus the vulgar, unsophisticated, uncouth Sarah Palin. They’re both talking about the same thing: the Special Olympics. Just to show you, just to show you how false images can so easily be created and magnified by the Drive-By Media, political parties, and so forth.