Rush’s Morning Update: Items February 24, 2009

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 23,2009

Rush’s Morning Update: Items
February 24, 2009

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A few items today, folks. First, to the utter dismay of the fringe left, the Obama Administration sided with the Bush White House. They declared detainees held at the Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan do not have rights under our Constitution. If you’re one of fringe kooks who expected “better days” were coming from this administration, you should have paid attention. I told you that despite all the anti-Bush rhetoric from this bunch, Democrats do not want to be perceived as losing the War on Terror on their watch. And, by the way, if you haven’t noticed– Club Gitmo is still open (my business is still thriving there).

Now that Democrats have spent more money than any government in history with theirPorkulus bill,they’re turning their attention to taxes. Under the guise of “fiscal responsibility,” Obama and his Democrathacks are floating their plans to usher in massive tax increases on the upper middle class, the affluent,small business owners,and on capital gains. The massive tax hikes are job killers; theywill prolong the recession. The label “tax-and-spend Democrats” has become a political cliche, but it is also a political reality –as many of us are about to find out…the hard way.

Finally, a question. What do Richard Jewell and former Congressman Gary Condit have in common? Answer? The Drive-By Media, which all but accused both men of committing murders of which they were innocent. With no actual evidence, no second thought –and no apology. That’s why we call them the “Drive-By Media”.

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