Bill Clinton Denies Blame — Again

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 16,2009

RUSH: All right, audio sound bite time. Bill Clinton says that our very civilization is teetering on the brink here because of global warming. He was on the Today Show this morning. The cohostette, Ann Curry, interviewed Clinton, she said, ‘This week you’ve been reading this article in TIME Magazine, lists you as number 13 on the list of who is to blame for our current economic crisis. Should you be 13 on that list?’

CLINTON: Hell, no, let me ask you this. My question to them is do any of them seriously believe that if I had been president and my economic team had been in place the last eight years that this would be happening today? And I think they know the answer to that’s no.

RUSH: Well, that’s a hell of a defense, ‘I think everybody knows if my economic team had been in place.’ He had his own trouble. Look it, the guy that let Osama Bin Laden run around half free without doing a thing about it, come on, Mr. President. The dirty little secret is Clinton is part of the problem with the Community Redevelopment Act. His economic team was threatening the banks if they didn’t make these worthless loans. The Bush administration tried, what is it, 11 times to tighten regulation on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and was beat down by the Democrats in Congress at every turn. The only way, folks, I have to be honest with you here, I always am, the only way that Bill Clinton could say, and be truthful, (doing Clinton impression) ‘Hell, no, let me ask you this. My question to them is, did anybody seriously believe if I had been president and my economic team had been in place the last eight years that this would be happening today? I think they know the answer.’ That’s right, Mr. President, because you would have cooked the books, just like you did with the Commerce department’s closing numbers when you left office. The Clinton administration would have cooked the books.

Here’s what he should have finished this up with, (doing Clinton impression)’and let me tell you how we’d have done it, too, I mean everybody knows this. We’d have cooked the books and idiots like you, you’d never know how bad it was until the next administration, you’d blame them. That’s exactly what happened. You think I’m going to take the blame for something like this? You think this is ever going to happen? No way, babe. No way. What are you doing later, by the way? He-he-he. Clinton Global Initiative in town here. What are you doing?’