
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Well, the op-ed that I was told yesterday would run in the Wall Street Journal today announcing my serious and brilliant bipartisan stimulus plan, did indeed run today. As such, I have been doing a couple of television interviews this morning. I did 20 minutes on Fox and I did a jam-packed five minutes right before 11 o’clock on CNBC. Now, both of those interviews are now posted; the video is up at RushLimbaugh.com. The CNBC appearance was quite contentious, but it was fun. Mark Haines and Erin Burnett, the Street Sweetie, were the two people at CNBC that I talked to about this. The vote yesterday, not a single Republican voted for this.

In fact, do you know the ‘bipartisan’ vote was the vote against. Eleven Democrats joined all of the Republicans to vote against the porkulus bill. The partisan vote was the vote that was victorious, and that was all Democrats. So the porkulus bill has passed the House, and yet why do the Democrats seem to not think they’ve had a victory? Why does Obama think that he really hasn’t had a victory? I noticed today they’re not happy about this. They got what they wanted! Do you know that in this porkulus bill it has been learned, in addition to everything else, that illegal immigrants will also be given checks of $500 to a $1,000 tax credits. So we’re going to be giving cash to illegal immigrants as well, in addition to all the other things that are in the porkulus bill.

Now, the president says that he’s still willing to work with Republicans on this, that it’s going to take a little longer to change Washington than he thought. He’s not going to have time. He just can’t be done changing Washington in a week. Well, I would be willing to explain my plan to him. I am prepared to go up to the White House and have an adult beverage and some wagyu beef appetizers, which he served last night. That’s American Kobe. I’m willing to go up there and share an adult beverage and some Wagyu beef to persuade him of the wisdom of my plan. I am prepared, ladies and gentlemen, to reach out to President Obama — to explain the bipartisan Obama-Limbaugh plan to him, to help bring the nation together, under a true stimulus plan.

I am willing! I am willing, ladies and gentlemen, to build a road, to build a bridge from the EIB Network to the White House, and to the administration, because there is really only one bipartisan plan on the table, and it is mine. And I am terribly serious. You know, we have to hold the president to the same standard that his party held the Bush administration to. Do you remember — be it Iraq or any other piece of legislation – when the president tried to get bipartisan support but failed to do so, they went out there and they blamed Bush for a lack of bipartisanship. They said he was purely bipartisan and mean. So we need to hold Obama to the same standard here. He didn’t get the bipartisan vote that he wanted, and Bush was raked over the coals for this throughout his eight years.

But what I am doing from behind the Golden EIB Microphone at this very moment is extending an olive branch to the magnanimous leader of the opposition, and offering President Obama a way out of this labyrinth that he’s created for himself. I am offering him a way to implement my plan and get the political credit for it. He can take the credit. I don’t care who gets the credit. This is about America not failing, but succeeding for the sake of all of us. It’s about jobs; it’s about prosperity. Jobs don’t know liberal, conservative, moderate, independent, or even wacko. So I, ladies and gentlemen, magnanimously and selflessly have offered this plan to the president in hopes that he’ll bring us all together, unite us, and carry us forward into the twenty-first century — and I will build the bridge.

I will build the road from the EIB, to the administration — the White House — to make this happen.

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