Rush’s Morning Update: New America January 22, 2009 Jan 21, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: New AmericaJanuary 22, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
The Last Man Standing Reflects on Obedience in the Age of Obamalot Jan 21, 2009RUSH: It is the first official day of Obamalot today, ladies and gentlemen. Yesterday doesn’t...
Brokaw to Rednecks: Take This! Jan 21, 2009RUSH: Let’s get started with some of the audio sound bites. Yesterday morning on MSNBC, Joe...
Marie from Discovery Bay Waits and Hopes for Obama to Save Her Jan 21, 2009RUSH: Marie in Discovery Bay, California. Great to have you on the Rush Limbaugh program....
Don’t Dare Compare Obama to Me Jan 21, 2009RUSH: This is Galen in Cincinnati, as we return to the phones. Thank you for waiting, Galen, great...
The President Lectures His Staff Jan 21, 2009RUSH: Obama just signed a couple of executive orders out there and with the signing of these...
Seminar Callers or Just Scared? Jan 21, 2009RUSH: Shelly in Riverside, California, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hey,...
Juan Williams on Judging Obama Jan 21, 2009RUSH: I mentioned earlier in the program today, Juan Williams, who is at the Fox News Channel and...