Paterson: We Need a Hillary Clone

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 7,2009

RUSH: Controversy, ladies and gentlemen, continues to rage out there over what’s going to happen with the Hillary Clinton seat in the United States Senate. Somebody’s out there doing public opinion polls. Now, this doesn’t matter a hill of beans, but they’re out there doing public opinion polls in New York, and Caroline Kennedy has got 25 or 30% of public support for the Senate seat in New York. Andrew Cuomo has the balance of the support. The only way that’s a factor is if it influences Paterson, who’s not yet been elected the governor of New York. He took over for Spitzer, the guy who had sex with the hooker while wearing his socks at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC. Client #9. Paterson is starting to get edgy here about all these attempts to influence him. He was on Nightline last night, and Terry Moran said, ‘If her name wasn’t Kennedy, she wouldn’t be within a country mile of this office.’

PATERSON: The biggest argument against Senator Hillary Clinton was that she wasn’t even a resident of New York when she wanted to run and hadn’t held any public office; and now, what people say about Hillary is, that nobody can take her place. So the question will be, ‘Who will be the selectee that would most make you think of Senator Hillary Clinton in about eight years?’

RUSH: What?

PATERSON: I am not going to be coerced, I am not going to be unduly persuaded, and I’m not going to be pushed around.

(playing of Sharpton parody song ‘Eat, Caroline’)

RUSH: Who would be the selectee that would most make you think of Hillary in eight years? Sharpton, by the way, had lunch with Caroline not long ago.

(playing of Sharpton parody song ‘Eat, Caroline’)

RUSH: Special note to the media here: This is the Reverend Sharpton using his protest bullhorn.

(playing of Sharpton parody song ‘Eat, Caroline’)

RUSH: They had lunch up there at Sylvia’s up there in Harlem. He’s talking about it here in the song. We saw the video. She was… I mean, she was really chowing down. I was stunned to see it.

(playing of Sharpton parody song ‘Eat, Caroline’)

RUSH: That’s the Reverend Sharpton, as portrayed by ‘white comedian’ Paul Shanklin. Sharpton immediately went into the recording studio after lunch with Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg at Sylvia’s in Harlem. The Reverend Sharpton, while the cameras were on, ate nothing. He’s an experienced politician. She was chowing down with her mouth wide open. It had to sound like (smacking lips). With the fork she was stabbing stuff, putting it in her mouth, almost with both hands like Popeye eating spinach, and she was accepting counsel from Sharpton at the same time. As a special bonus for the media out there in our ongoing quest to inform you as to what happens here, we’re going to go back to the archives, the 2004 presidential campaign on the Democrat side, the Reverend Sharpton again sought the office, but his mother told him never to try for it. She told him not to run.

(playing of Sharpton parody song ‘Mama Told Me Not to Run’)

RUSH: A twin spin for the media there, Reverend Sharpton from our archive, the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites, ‘Mama Told Me not to Run.’