Barbara Walters to Interview Rush

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 18,2008

RUSH: A little program note, ladies and gentlemen. It won’t affect anything, but we’re going to New York and we’ll be doing the program from New York Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Is it tomorrow, H.R., we’re doing the thing with Barbara Walters? Tomorrow. Yes, that’s tomorrow.

Barbara Walters has named me — unbeknownst to me, a clear surprise — one of the Ten Most Fascinating People of 2008. I know I’m told I’m fascinating, but one of the top ten? I’ve been one of her top ten one time, like back in 1990 or ’92. I forget exactly, but might have been ’93. I forget exactly when it was. We’re taping the short little interview tomorrow afternoon after the program, at a super-secret location. I think it airs December the 4th. I’m not sure. It’s the 4th right now, but it could change. It depends, but it’s scheduled for December 4th.

• US Magazine: See Barbara Walters’ ‘Most Fascinating People’ of 2008