Rush’s Morning Update: Katrina II September 16, 2008

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 15,2008

Rush’s Morning Update: Katrina II
September 16, 2008

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Over the weekend, the Gulf Coast was hit by HurricaneIke,a massive 600-mile-wide hurricane with winds near 100 miles an hour. President Bush declared 29 counties in Texas and Louisiana disaster areas. The total damage to Galveston is unknown, because some areas are still impassable.

Now, at the height of the storm, entire neighborhoods were underwater. Some communities appear to have been obliterated. Houston, our fourth largest city, suffered major infrastructure damage; in the aftermath, highways looked like rivers. Power for almost three million people may not be restored for weeks. Thousands disregarded mandatory evacuation orders– including one I commented on Friday that warned of “certain death.”

Within hours, a massive search-and-rescue operation was initiated by the Coast Guard, the Texas National Guard, and local governments. House-by-house, grid-by-grid searches were organized. Within the first 24 hours, over a thousand rescue operations took place. Federal, state, and local government agencies coordinated food, ice, and water relief for those who refused to evacuate.

Yet on Day One after the storm, the Drive-By Media and grandstanding politicians were already demanding at press conferences to know “who screwed up.” Why, for instance, were there logistical changes made, causing delays in food distribution?

Clearly, their election-year template– “this is Katrina all over again”– was decided long before the first winds of Ike blew into the Gulf. The stories were already written; all they had to do was publish them — again.

By the way, anybody seen Geraldo Rivera? The lasttime I saw him, he was being buffeted by the winds and the waves out there in Galveston. I haven’t seen him since!

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