Rush’s Morning Update: War Room September 5, 2008

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 4,2008

Rush’s Morning Update: War Room
September 5, 2008

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Governor Sarah Palin’s home run acceptance speech sent chills of fear throughout the Democrat party and the Drive-By Media.Their “war room” launched a rapid response effort led by a special-forces team from the Associated Press.
AP sniper Dina Cappiello reported that the nickname for Sarah Palin among environmentalists-wackos is the “killa from Wasilla,” because she has a philosophy of “cut, kill, dig and drill.” Palin’s chief environmental sin is that she doesn’t buy into the man-made global warming hoax.
AP stormtrooper Eric Gorski handled the religious attack,accusing Palin of hiding her true faith. “Sarah Palin often identifies herself simply as Christian,” he wrote, “yet John McCain’s running mate has deep roots in Pentecostalism, a spirit-filled Christian tradition that is one of the fastest growing in the world. It’s often derided by outsiders and Bible-believers alike.”
AP demolition specialist Ted Anthony was assigned the job of carpet bombing the family. He suggested that Palin’s photo-ops with her children,even at the convention,”come across as contradictory: Hey, media, leave those kids alone — so we [Republicans] can use them as we see fit”… is supposedly the message the Palins are sending.
Veteran AP hit manRon Fournier was called to defend the Drive-Bys blitzkrieg on Palin. “The media views its job as scrutinizing her background, helping voters determine her readiness to serve,” he writes. No, no, no,Ron:it’s clear to all your mission is to destroy her –it isn’t going towork this time. You know it, and I know it.

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