Rex, the Amarillo Rotarian

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 28,2008

RUSH: Here’s Rex in Amarillo. Hi, Rex, welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Yes, thank you. I’m a volunteer in your truth detector squad, and you were talking about with The Forehead, aka Paul Begala?

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: What he said, that this was a speech that every county commissioner could give at a Rotary Club?

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: Well, that is a lie, Rush, because I’m a member of the Rotary Club of Amarillo East and have been for over 20 years, and political speeches are not allowed at Rotary Clubs. That’s in our rules.

RUSH: Really? Now, my dad was a Rotarian, but I never went there. I just tried to play practical jokes on them. And my uncle was in the Lions club. If you can’t give political speeches in a Rotary Club, are there speeches in there?

CALLER: Oh, yeah.

RUSH: Do the Toastmasters come in there and practice on you, or what? What is it?

CALLER: No, no, no, we have programs from the community, you know, what’s going on in our community, business people that, sort of things.

RUSH: Ah, I say.

CALLER: It’s an educational and service club.

RUSH: I understand that, but what do you do when you got somebody who comes in that’s an obvious liberal who doesn’t speak about politics but proposes ideas for the town or the community that are very liberal in nature, or if somebody was a conservative came in and did that without making it overtly political. You’re smart enough to spot that stuff. What would happen?

CALLER: We never had that happen, but in the event that it did–

RUSH: See, you have, you just don’t know it, that’s how sneaky the left is. You’ve probably had in 25 years more liberal ideas espoused in your Rotary Club than you know.

CALLER: I don’t think so, Rush.

RUSH: Subliminal and stuff. Okay, have you had somebody come in and say, ‘We have to do more for the children of our community.’

CALLER: Never heard that.

RUSH: You gotta be kidding, I can’t believe that. We have to do more for the elderly in our community?

CALLER: Don’t think so.

RUSH: Now, Rex, if this is true, this sounds like a fabulous group.

CALLER: Well, it is.

RUSH: If you want to improve the neighborhoods and the town and the community of Amarillo and by the way, that’s where T. Boone is from, isn’t it?

CALLER: He used to be here and then he moved to Dallas.

RUSH: That’s right.

CALLER: Right. By the way, I attended your first two Rush to Excellence tours in Amarillo.

RUSH: Yeah, and the first one the air-conditioning was on the blink.

CALLER: That’s right.

RUSH: And the air-conditioning repairman was not a fan.

CALLER: Uh-oh.

RUSH: He was not a fan, but he did his job, he says, ‘I fixed it so it will hold for about an hour and a half. If you go longer than that, it’s sweat city for you, pal.’

CALLER: Well, keep up the good work.

RUSH: All right. Thanks, Rex. I appreciate it.