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RUSH: Patty has been waiting from Biloxi, Mississippi. You’re next. Thanks for the patience, and hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s an honor.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I’ve been a devoted listener since 1988.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: I think that the depth of orchestration of this whole thing was made evident in Obama’s little cameo where I just noticed it didn’t quite sound right when he called his little daughter ‘sweetie’ twice, and it came to fruition later on Nightline when they were doing a little story on the women Hillary supporters who were chanting outside the Pepsi Center, you know, going between ‘caucus fraud’ and ‘sweetie,’ making reference to the derogatory statement he made to the little reporterette a few months ago. And I just think that the depth of trying to create like a back history like, oh, well, he calls his daughter ‘sweetie,’ too, it could never be a derogatory comment to a woman.

RUSH: Right, right. Yeah, see, this is a great illustration, too, and you are showing the value of spending time on these things. You’ve been with us since 1988, so you are on your own, able to pick up on these kinds of things watching the Drive-Bys. But anything that comes along that would cast him in a negative light, the Drive-Bys are going to try to cover it up and reposition it and restate it so that it doesn’t harm him in any way. They’re out there running cover for the guy.

CALLER: Exactly. Exactly.

RUSH: And so if they’re running cover, we gotta penetrate. Thanks, sweetie, for the phone call.

CALLER: No problem, doll.

RUSH: Doug in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Nice to have you on the program.

CALLER: Oh, Rush, we love you in Massachusetts. Keep up the good work.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Hey, I was watching the DNC last night trying to stay awake, and Michelle was talking, and she’s talking about how she gave birth and how he drove the kids home from the hospital, and they panned the crowd to this little old woman with glasses on, and she’s got tears in her eyes, and she’s wiping them. And I think I did the same thing. I was crying to my kids on the way home, you know. I thought that was hilarious. Oh, my God, they’re tugging at my heartstrings so much.

RUSH: I don’t think that’s what the tears were about.

CALLER: You don’t think so?

RUSH: No, no, no, no. I mean, if Democrats are genuinely going to cry when a mother successfully gets her babies home from the hospital, then we are in more trouble than even I imagined. I don’t think they were crying ’cause of that. You know, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. It is a big deal for Democrats to get a baby home alive.

CALLER: You’re right.

RUSH: You know what? You’re right. You’re right.

CALLER: Think about it.

RUSH: Yeah. Well, maybe they were crying — you never know, the news that a baby got home healthfully, they could have been crying sadness, because it set the abortion movement back. Seriously, I think that they were crying because here was this young, attractive, black woman running as first lady for her husband, it’s like, in San Francisco, 1984, Democrat convention, I was there. Marion Barry, who was the mayor of Washington at the time, was just going nuts making a speech. The theme of his speech was, ‘Tonight, tonight, we on the inside!’ And so remember now, the attitude is that liberal blacks are discriminated against, they’re still in slavery, there’s still all kinds of oppression out there, and here is one of us on stage running for the White House. I think they just were overcome with emotion. It’s sort of like, remember after Clinton was elected, the week leading up to his inauguration, the Democrats took over the mall, and they had all these song stylists like Aretha Franklin and actors and so forth, Ron Silver was there, Ron Silver at the time was a Democrat, but all of the singers were singing songs that were written by people who had been jailed, unjustifiably and had gotten out.

It’s like they had been released from prison with the election of Bill Clinton. At the same time that these songs were going on, a couple of Air Force jets did a fly-buy and Ron Silver was with somebody, and he looked up and saw the military jets, said, ‘What the hell is that?’ And the guy with Ron Silver said, ‘Ron, Ron, those are our jets now.’ ‘Oh, yeah, oh, yeah.’ You have to understand the mind of a liberal. The mind of a liberal is not grounded in reality. The mind of a liberal does not see positive optimism. The mind of a liberal is a different beast, folks. It’s got a whole different DNA, genetic code in there, and you have to be a highly trained specialist to understand it, as I am.


RUSH: To Greensboro, North Carolina. This is Roseanne. Welcome. It’s great to have you here.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. You know, Bill Clinton has an excellent opportunity here to make for himself a legacy that might not be half bad by not being Nancy Pelosi’s little dog and pony show. When Bill Clinton was in office, you used to talk, excellently, about how he was obsessed by his legacy — and when you’re obsessed with your legacy, you don’t create a legacy. From where I live in North Carolina, when we try to do Operation Chaos, people hate Bill Clinton because they see him as being responsible for losing their jobs. They put free trade on his shoulders. And another Bill Clinton legacy is moral relativism, which, you know, people don’t have do right by their family because everybody’s a sinner. That’s what they said about Bill when he was dropping his pants.

RUSH: Oh. Oh! Oh! Wait a minute. Speaking of that. You’ve gotta hear this exchange between Katie Couric, the perky one, and Jeff Greenfield last night at the Democrat National Convention. Audio sound bite number 14. Just listen to this exchange, Roseanne.

COURIC: Do you think the voters really want to see a couple who is faithful to one another?

GREENFIELD: Yes, and I believe in the primaries you — you quoted Harry Truman often to these candidates saying if, uh — if a candidate can’t be honest with his wife, could he be honest with the country? A lot of Americans believe that, and many, many more want to see what this dynamic is like, whatever that marriage is. They think they can see the president through the marriage.

RUSH: You have just nailed it, Rosanne. Clinton’s legacy is moral relativism. This Katie Couric question, did you people hear this? ‘Do you think the voters really want to see a couple who are faithful to one another? ‘ And Greenfield says, ‘Yes, and I believe in the primary…’ What a question! It’s almost as crazy as Cris Collinsworth, asking Kobe Bryant, ‘Are you sure you want to sound all patriotic big red, white, and blue? Are you shoe that goes over anymore?’

CALLER: Rush, you are my children’s father figure because of the void their father, who jumped on the moral relative bandwagon did. Ann Coulter for a lot of — For men I know who are raising their children alone, Ann Coulter is their children’s mother figure and that’s why we raise decent children. If Bill Clinton refuses to be Nancy Pelosi’s dog and pony, he can be a cult figure to those of us who go to any government building that’s controlled by the liberals.

RUSH: Wait a minute. What are you…? Hold it, hold it. What are you saying he should do?

CALLER: I think he should go up there and he should stand strong for the fact he thinks they are all ridiculous. He should stand on his principles. In the short term he’ll lose. In the long term, we’ll rise him up as a cult figure.

RUSH: Hold it. What principles?


RUSH: You’re talking about Bill Clinton here. What principles?

CALLER: But it goes along the same lines as what you said. If somebody’s willing to say, ‘I’m sorry,’ we’ll forgive them. How could he benefit himself? It’s like he’s putting the nails on his own coffin. He’s letting Nancy Pelosi reduce him to a dog and pony show.

RUSH: You mean by the edict that he speak on foreign policy in his speech tomorrow night?

CALLER: All of it! All of it is ridiculous. What they did to Hillary, everything, this is all about Nancy Pelosi.

RUSH: I know, but, you know what? Let me tell you something. That last night was a dull, puffball convention. The names Bush and McCain were not mentioned. The convention got no hate. There were no professionals running that show last night. So Hillary gets on there tonight, and I will guarantee you, whatever Hillary does — and it may be multifaceted, it’s going to be based on two things. It’s going to be based on showing these Obama people who the real politicians in this party are, because Hillary and her crowd are going to have this crowd so pumped and filled up with hate tonight — of Bush, of McCain, of all of this. They’re going to be showing the Obama people how to do it. At the same time, Hillary is going to be telling this convention, ‘See what you blew? You coulda had me.’ Hillary is gonna be standing up there thinking, ‘This was mine! It was all mine! And they took it away from me for the dweeb!’

Okay, so she’s gonna try to tell people what a mistake they made. And then Clinton goes tomorrow night. Now, I understand Clinton not wanting to talk about foreign policy. Look at what happened when he was president: The World Trade Center bombing in ’93, the USS Cole, the embassies being blown up leading to 9/11. Kosovo equals Georgia. Somalia. The genocide in Rwanda. Of course he doesn’t want to talk about foreign policy, because he had a lousy one. He wants to talk about his ‘great’ economy. ‘A former Clinton advisor said Monday that Bill Clinton is not happy that he’s been asked to deliver a speech on national security.’ I don’t know what he’s going to do. He may not be able to help himself. Here is Todd in Lima, Ohio. Todd, you’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, sir. Thank you for taking my call. I appreciate it.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: Hey, I just have a comment last night about the DNC convention.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: One thing that I really noticed last night when I first turned it on is when Pelosi was on stage. Every time the camera faced out to the audience or took an audience shot, I noticed the audience didn’t look enthused. There were people standing, milling around, trying to find their seats. And she just was trying to raise her voice above the crowd just talking.

RUSH: I have stated previously on this program that I alone am uniquely qualified to understand and explain the liberal mind. Let me explain Nancy Pelosi to you. She is in a fantasy dream world. She’s in an alternative universe. She is convinced that this whole country is just thrilled and happy and impressed and in awe of her, because she’s the first woman to become Speaker. She doesn’t see that she barely sells 4,000 books. She doesn’t see a bored audience. She has literally no concept of how irrelevant most people think her — and those who don’t think of her as irrelevant look at her as somebody who is dangerous, uninformed, cliched, purely partisan, and incompetent.


RUSH: Texas, next. Ryan, glad you called, sir. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Love the bumper music and you’ve got to get down and see the new Cowboy stadium as much as it might pain you to do that.

RUSH: (laughing)

CALLER: It is going to be the new wonder of the world, I promise you.

RUSH: You know, I can’t figure out this. I know all about stadiums. What I can’t figure out is why anybody would ever leave when they got there. It seems like something you’d want to move into and live there. I can’t imagine that stadium existing for a three- or four-hour experience for a football game.

CALLER: Oh, it is unbelievable. Just going to the Rangers games already and taking a look at that thing, watching it developing has been great.

RUSH: Oh, I know. I’m not putting it down. It’s more than a stadium. This is a place you’d go to spend the whole day.

CALLER: (laughing) As one local radio host would say, ‘Jerry Jones is building a monument to himself,’ but that’s fine. We’ll go and enjoy the ball games.

RUSH: All right. Well, just call it ‘Jerry’s last erection.’

CALLER: (laughing) That’s right. Well, anyway, yeah, the reason I called is because Tom Brokaw laid down the gauntlet last night saying that we couldn’t challenge Ted Kennedy and that Republicans have been running against Ted Kennedy for all these years and that, you know, due to his condition, you know, they don’t really have that. But I say if he didn’t want to be run against, then they shouldn’t have put him on that stage last night. So I will give you my comments and why I had a problem with his speech last night.

RUSH: Go ahead.

CALLER: As moving as it was for him to come out of that surgery, and as amazing as that is, a marvel of science, you know, he comes out and he has to go with this comment — and this has to do directly with Barack Obama. This is my first problem. He says, ‘Barack will close the book on the old politics of race, gender, group against group and straight against gay.’ Now, does he want to apply that to himself and his Democrat Party and how they attacked Clarence Thomas, you know? I mean you have Condoleezza Rice.

RUSH: See, you’re applying logic. You’re analyzing this all wrong. It’s a great point, but you’re analyzing it all wrong. In the first place, Ted Kennedy didn’t write the speech. The Obama people wrote the speech. Ted read it off teleprompter.


RUSH: Here’s Eric in Greenville, South Carolina, Eric, nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. I’d like to talk to you about why Michelle (My Belle) did not wear a pantsuit.

RUSH: Yeah, you know, I hadn’t considered that. Why didn’t she wear a pantsuit?

CALLER: It’s because the criticizer was right. Mrs. Obama played it that way because the feminazis have lost, and the Democrats know the image of happiness is a woman in a dress.

RUSH: You know, I hadn’t thought of that, but when you do think of these NAG leaders, they all are wearing pantsuits, aren’t they?

CALLER: Symbolizing anger.

RUSH: So you’re saying a woman in a dress is a woman who feels happy?

CALLER: Yes. The pantsuit sends a message, but a dress is conservative.

RUSH: All right, help me out here. What’s the message — I’ll bite. What’s the message pantsuits send?

CALLER: It sends the message of loss.

RUSH: The message of loss. What has been lost by wearing pantsuits?

CALLER: They’ve lost their way.

RUSH: You mean their identity? Or couldn’t it just be simply it looks much, much, much better than a dress?

CALLER: No, it’s like —

RUSH: Don’t doubt me on this.

CALLER: Okay. It’s true, it does look better than a dress. But they’ve turned it into a symbol.

RUSH: No, no, the dress always looks better than pantsuits. The pantsuits are a compromise.

CALLER: Okay. I thought you were saying the seams of the pants look better than the dress.

RUSH: Well, there are limits. If the dress looks like a tent then you got a problem there, too, but I mean all things being equal, the pantsuit is — and I know this from my life experience — the pantsuit is a compromise. It’s a conscious decision.

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