Recreate 68ers Prepare for Gitmo

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 20,2008

RUSH: A couple sound bites here from yesterday. Monday on the Fox News Channel’s Happening Now show with Jon Scott, they talked to the cofounder of Recreate ’68, the militant protest group planning to gear up for action in Denver next week, the cofounder Glenn Spagnuolo. He was asked this question. ‘You’ve seen some pictures of what this holding cell looks like, and you’re not too happy about it, eh?’

SPAGNUOLO: No, we’re not, Jon. We went and saw this holding facility, and right now it really does look like, uh, Little Guantanamo, basically. It’s a bunch of fenced-in cages with Concertina barbed wire around the top. There’s no bathroom facilities, no running water, no telephones in the facility. You know, this building has a long history here in Denver where equipment that used to be stored there during the City of Denver’s electronic voting machine fiasco was removed from that facility because they said it didn’t have proper fire suppression systems and that the temperatures were too hot in that facility to store equipment.

RUSH: Come on, Glenn! Man up out there. You can’t possibly be serious comparing this place to Club Gitmo. Until they put a waterboard in there, it isn’t anywhere near Gitmo. They really have. They’ve put up this prison, this building. They’ve turned this building where they’re going to take arrested protesters, and they do have some barbed wire fencing in there and they’re going to get them out of the way. But for these guys to compare it to Gitmo, to Club Gitmo, that just shows you how off-base they are in judging Club Gitmo. By the way, I wanted to thank Mr. Spagnuolo for mentioning this: We have a thriving licensed merchandise business involving Club Gitmo. You can see it at the EIB Store at www.RushLimbaugh.com. So the next question to Spagnuolo is, ‘You’re calling your group Recreate ’68. You want to aspire to the kinds of head-knocking scenes that happened back then in Chicago?’

SPAGNUOLO: What we want to create is the spirit of change that existed in 1968, that mass participation can move your government in certain directions. We saw a lot of similarities on the political landscape of the Democrat Party who was refusing to stop a war in Vietnam and now it’s 40 years later we have the Democratic Party who continues to vote to fund this illegal war in Iraq.

RUSH: Yessss!

SPAGNUOLO: So that’s kind of where the name came from. But we’re not ashamed of being associated with Chicago, because you had peaceful protesters go into Chicago who were confronted by a violent police department, and we’re only hoping that the police here don’t happen the same way that the Chicago police.

RUSH: Not true, Mr. Spagnuolo. Mayor Daley took it as long as he could. The cops took it as long as they could. But finally the protesters got outta hand and heads had to roll. But they’re excited, folks. They think they have the same opportunity, the same set of circumstances now that they had in Chicago in 1968: Iraq vs. Vietnam.