Obama Parties with Celebutards

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 4,2008

RUSH: As you know, Barack Obama, the Most Merciful Lord Barack, The Messiah is very offended as is his campaign over the McCain ad featuring Britney Spears and Paris Hilton portraying both Obama and his voters as celebutards. So while whining about being compared to vacuous pop stars, Obama spends Saturday night with three of the dumbest celebrities on the face of the earth. Saturday in South Beach, Florida, during a fundraiser at Set nightclub for Senator Obama, Matt Damon said this.

DAMON: This comes down to a very, uh, simple choice for — for all of us. If you like the direction the country is going in, and you like what’s happened in the last seven and a half years, you should definitely vote for John McCain. But if you — if you want a candidate who rejects those policies and not only rejects them, but has a vision for — for what needs changing and how to change it, then — then Barack Obama is your guy.

RUSH: Now, this is at a nightclub on Saturday night. Now, you would think if the Obama campaign is so distressed and so upset over one ad with pictures of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton in it, that the word would go out to these pop culture celebrities, cool it for a while. But, no, let’s face it, folks, we all know, Saturday night, South Beach, at a nightclub, what’s going on in there is not politics under normal circumstances. It’s the last thing going on in there and for these guys to have this big bash Saturday night at Set nightclub talking about Obama in a fundraiser shortly after the campaign is so ticked off over McCain’s Britney Spears ad, indicates that they still don’t get it. Jennifer Garner, who starred in the ABC series Alias and who married Ben Affleck — this is a fundraiser at Set nightclub for Obama Saturday in South Beach.

GARNER: Ultimately I — I just — I feel inspired by him, and I don’t think anyone in our generation, or we haven’t had that experience in our generation, we haven’t had a political leader that was inspirational and made you want to get involved in the way that he has.

RUSH: This is why they’re called celebutards. And then here’s Affleck, the proud husband. His expert opinion of the Paris Hilton, Britney Spears ad, at Set nightclub in South Beach, Saturday night at a fundraiser for The Messiah.

AFFLECK: It’s about the — the images that you select and trying to be kind of as pernicious and sneaky as — as possible. At the end of the day, people come in and they pull the lever for the person they want to make their life better. For me personally, that’s Barack Obama.

RUSH: How about, would you pull the lever for yourself, Ben? What has Barack Obama meant to your movie career, Ben? For that matter, John Kerry, what has John Kerry meant to your movie career or to your role now as a father? You have a couple kids with Jennifer Garner. What has any government figure done to enhance any aspect of your life? Anyway, so here you have it, three more Britney Spears and Paris Hilton types at a nightclub Saturday night endorsing Obama, while the Obama campaign whines and moans about the Britney Spears, Paris Hilton ad, and we’re not through. I know Paris’ mother is mad. Rick and Kathy Hilton are apparently big contributors to McCain, but nobody knows what Paris is. Nobody knows if she’s Republican or Democrat or made any donations or if she’s even voted. Nobody knows that. Rick and Kathy Hilton — look, I’m not going to go there. There’s nothing to be gained by going there. There just isn’t, and you’re not going to tempt me. No, I’m not going to talk about how people parent their kids. I’m just not going to do it. I’ll just say this. The smallest problem she’s got is being in a John McCain ad. It might have even helped in some way. But we’re not through here, ladies and gentlemen, because another living paragon of vacuity, Gwyneth Paltrow, who used to be engaged to Bradeth Pitt, she’s urging Americans to vote for Obama. But, of course, Gwyneth doesn’t live here, she lives in the UK, so this is new from votefromabroad.org. And that, by the way, ‘abroad’ is one word, don’t misunderstand. Votefromabroad.org TV ad, narrated by many figures, including the London-based actress Gwyneth Paltrow. I don’t know who the other people are here.

PALTROW: Start now, right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you’re a US citizen.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can vote from wherever you are.

PALTROW: From anywhere.







UNIDENTIFIED MALE: [Unintelligible.]





UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And Canada, me voting, which is not America.

PALTROW: I’ll be voting from London, but you can vote from anywhere. Every single vote will count. Where on earth will you vote?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: VoteFromAbroad.org.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Absentee ballots for Americans.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I’m voting Democrat.

RUSH: There’s a voice there that sounds just like the woman we have in our Obama commercial, the valley girl. (doing valley girl impression) ‘I think US Americans should vote for change and because the past, is so like, yesterday.’ The Hollywood crowd, timing couldn’t be better as the Obama campaign, but not just them, Tom Brokaw and Bob Schieffer were beside themselves yesterday, wringing their hands over all these ads, how horrible they are, and here come an endless parade now of more pop culture celebrities endorsing Obama, including voting for him while away from the United States, as citizens of the world, no doubt.