The First Time I Heard Rush…

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 31,2008

RUSH: All right. Richard in Lima, Ohio, nice to have you here.

CALLER: Yes, Rush, how are you today? My wife and I were on vacation in 1989 in Fort Myers Beach, Florida, and on the way to the department store, we picked you up on the radio in the car. We had never heard of you before. And we were so impressed, that we have listened to you all the time since. You’ve been on our trips and when we take our vacations, we always try to pick you up on the radio while on the road or whatever the case might be.

RUSH: Thank you very much. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that. You’re driving around, you hear this guy on the radio: ‘Who is that? This is exactly what I think!’

CALLER: Yes. Yes, that’s so true. My lovely wife passed away in 2007, Alzheimer’s, but you’re my music, and you and our little doggie, Susie, is what keeps me motivated. And we were both veterans, we loved our country very much, and of course I still do, and we appreciate how much concern you show for the country and the troops. I just wanted to thank you and I hope you have 20 more years, and I hope I’m around to listen to you.

RUSH: Well, I will, and you will be. ‘Cause, Richard, I’m not going anywhere ’til every American agrees with me. I’ve made this pledge. I’ve made this pledge to the American people.

CALLER: Well, I appreciate that very much, and I just have one thing, I hope Obama does not get elected.

RUSH: Yeah. Are you still there or did we lose the connection? He hung up? Yeah. Obama doesn’t get elected. You know, folks, I was telling the staff during a recent break, there are days even I, my friends, have doubts. I try to keep them from you, ’cause I know I’m the leader. But even I have doubts, and there are some days that I think we are just screwed, and it’s going to take four to eight years to roll back all of the wild oncoming liberalism and then there are other days I think, you know what, we’re going to beat it back, it isn’t going to happen, it’s not going to work out, it’s not happening the way the Drive-Bys… this is one of those days I think we’re screwed.