Rush’s Morning Update: Change?
July 30, 2008
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This week, John McCain attacked the Bush Administration for wasteful spending,whileObama blamed Bushand Wall Streetfor economic conditions overall. Both thesecandidates promised vast improvement if elected. McCain’s version included giving himself some wiggle room on his commitment not to raise taxes. Obama,hopeless as ever,merely offered to change course with some”immediate action.”
But neither candidate mentioned Congress, my friends, andas everybody who’s had Civics 101 knows, it isn’t the president who ultimately sets the budget or formulates tax policy; it is Congress. Just as important, Congress performs all kinds of social engineering –from housing to education –which greatly impacts the economy as well.
With gas prices and housing among the topmost issues for voters, we havea golden opportunity, here,for conservatives. For decades, liberal policies from Congress– forbidding more drilling and refining of oil — have restrained energy growth. Even
The real “change” required to heal decades of mismanagement in government is not about changing the cast of characters in the White Houseor a change of skin color of a candidate. It really doesbegin in Congress…
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