College and the Biological Time Bomb

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 27,2008

RUSH: To the phones we go on Open Line Friday. Corvallis, Oregon. Kathy, I’m glad you called. You’re up first. That’s an awesome responsibility. Hello.

CALLER: Hello.

RUSH: I had.


RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: Hey! Thanks for taking my call.

RUSH: Any time, madam, any time.

CALLER: Madam? Gosh. I called because you had a statistic yesterday about college students, 65% women, 35% men?

RUSH: Yeah, that was at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, but it’s like that. In fact, Dawn’s daughter is going to go to one of the Florida universities. She went up there to look around, and they told her that, ‘The vast majority of the students here are going to be women.’

CALLER: Yeah, well, I teach at a community college. I teach math, and I teach, often, pre-engineering students that are going to go on to Oregon State University in Corvallis.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: And it is not 65% women, 35% men in my classes. It’s just ironic that one of my sons is taking electrical engineering class this summer —

RUSH: Well, wait a minute.

CALLER: — and I asked him —

RUSH: If it’s not 65-35, what is it?

CALLER: It’s more like — in my math classes now, not in the engineering program — I’d say 35% women, 65% men.

RUSH: Well, now, wait a second. Kathy.


RUSH: A, this is a community college.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Those are traditionally less populated, right?

CALLER: Right. So the population is smaller but we have a really strong core of transfer students that goes to Oregon State University in the engineering program, and that’s who I’m teaching, ’cause I’m teaching that upper level of the first two years of college math.

RUSH: Here’s the second thing.


RUSH: And I know that it got Larry Summers fired at Harvard.

CALLER: Uh-oh. (giggles)

RUSH: But I’m not Larry Summers, and this isn’t Harvard.


RUSH: Look, we know that women are not that interested in math, traditionally.

CALLER: (interrupting)

RUSH: Wait, wait.


CALLER: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

RUSH: Tradition. She’s already getting her back up.

CALLER: No, no, it’s okay, don’t worry.

RUSH: I’m asking, I’m not telling. I’ll put it in the form of a question. Isn’t it true that statistics show that women interested in math not nearly as high as men. And when you get to engineering, I mean engineering —

CALLER: Yeah, that’s what I was going to say, that my son took a poll of his engineering class, and there are four girls out of 35 in that class.

RUSH: Right, engineering, people don’t understand… In mechanical engineering or what kind?

CALLER: It was an electrical engineering class, but it’s pre-engineering so everybody has to take it. So I mean that’s a pretty good poll of engineering in general. I’d say four-to-ten out of 30 to 35 are going to be women.

RUSH: Right. But you’re talking very specialized area. I don’t think people who haven’t taken the time to look into it have any idea how tough it is to come out of school as an accredited engineer, mechanical —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — civil —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: I mean it is —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — one of the toughest courses. It is. We read the word in news stories about NASA engineers, or engineers —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — at Microsoft.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: And we go, ‘Okay, engineers.’ These people, it’s a tough course. It is a study in labor intensive work. Like a lot of them are, but people don’t understand this about engineering. And you don’t see very many women in the field at all, period. There are exceptions but —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: So I’m not surprised that you’d have so few of them in an engineering class, and you don’t sound surprised, either.

CALLER: Oh, no, I’m not surprised. It’s been like that for 20 years since I’ve been teaching. I just wonder what field all these women are in if 65% of the graduates are women — or enrollees; maybe they’re not graduates — and 35% are men, because it’s not in the engineering program, so there must be some field where there are huge proportions of women —

RUSH: Well, it’s not home ec, either.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: No, the only people taking home ec on major college campuses are men.

CALLER: I know, I know. (laughing)

RUSH: These numbers are true. I mean, the statistics are true. These guys are being feminized. We always joke about these kind of things, the relationship angles men and women and so forth, but I have to tell you something. I think we have a feminized male culture. It’s not a majority yet, but it’s been creeping, and I think you put 65% females on a college campus and 35% men, who are those 35% men? And if a majority of them are wusses, the women are not going to encounter real men during their college years and so forth, and who knows what impact that’s going to have later on. The real men aren’t going. They don’t want to put up with it. They don’t want to mess with it. They don’t want to deal with feminized curricula. They don’t want to deal with it. College is no longer the place to meet your mate. It used to be back in the old days. Vocational training, they’re doing junior college stuff.

They’re starting to work. Now, this excludes… You’re probably asking, ‘How do we have all these guys in Wall Street? How do we have all these guys in government?’ Well, that’s the Ivy League. You know, Harvard and Yale and Brown and these kind of places, but a lot of people are just not messing with it. They start, they drop out, because they don’t want to put up with the feminized curricula that is there. College isn’t for everybody. It’s one of the things that’s being demonstrated here. When we were growing up, folks — you and I who are the same age will know this — our parents had lived through the Great Depression, and when you lived through the Great Depression, the one exit, the one escape from that was a college education. So our parents were hell-bent that we go to college, and it became almost an American right. It became an American passage.

You went to high school and you went to college, and if you didn’t do that, then something was wrong with you, and you weren’t going to maximize your potential. You were going to be harmed; you weren’t going to become the best you could be. It’s just a generational thing. Now it’s changed. Parents today want their kids to go to college for a whole host of reasons, but they don’t necessarily think they’re going to be bomb-out failures if they don’t. I mean, look, you got Bill Gates that dropped out. You have a number of people that dropped out of school. Steve Jobs did, I think. Did Steve Jobs drop out, or am I confusing with somebody else? It’s not a route to success. It’s not for everybody. And especially if you end up in a place that’s dominated and run by feminized liberals and in the curricula and in most of the student body. You can have your fun with the student body in one semester and then get out of there — the female student body. You don’t need to hang around for four years for that.


RUSH: By the way, and we have discussed this before, you want to know what fields the women in universities are going into? They are becoming lawyers. They’re going into medicine. They’re going into teaching, and they’re going into the Drive-Bys. They are going into journalism. That’s where women are going. We have talked on this program countless times about the chickification of the news. You don’t see all the producers and the editors and the assignment editors behind the scenes at all these networks and newspapers. Why do you think you get so many stories on babies goo-gooing all the time? Why do you get so many stories in the Drive-By Media about families? Not even news stuff. They just go out and tell you how to buy the right kind of diaper, what to do when the diaper gets wet, when to change the diaper. They do all this stuff. I mean, it is what it is. I’m not going to sit here and lament it. But the Drive-Bys, journalism, law, being totally taken over by women, it’s a problem because they eventually are gonna want babies. Some people don’t like this kind of talk because they think it sounds sexist. This is another problem we’ve got.

There are certain truths about men and women. Their brains are different. They see things differently. There’s a book out there by a Ph.D. named Sax on the truth about gender differences. You ought to get it and read it. It’s one of the reasons why women couldn’t care less about electronics. There’s a brain reason for it. Women get dazzled over diamonds, they really do. They like diamonds like I like my high-definition TV equipment. I can’t get enough of it. Diamonds, to me, are a price. The last thing I’d do is wear a diamond. I don’t wear bling. Some cultures value it and so forth, but there are genuine differences in the brains, and there is this thing called the biological time bomb. I’m sorry, it exists, you’ve seen it. It’s a time bomb, if you’re not interested in kids. And we know that whether it’s genuine — well, we know it’s genuine. There’s certainly psychological truth to it. By the time you hit 35, women know that it gets tougher to give birth at 40 and beyond and they’re told that if they do give birth, that the odds of birth defects are higher, so the thing starts. Biological time bomb goes off, and eventually they give birth to the child. Or they go out and either find somebody to sire the kid or they go to the sperm bank or they may get married.

They fully intend once the baby is born, they take the required maximum maternity leave, during which time they shop for a nanny, and then when it’s time to go back to work, nanny takes over, but a lot of women are discovering — this been going on for a long time — I’d rather stay home with the child. And that’s an instinctive thing, too. When the feminist movement started, that was the thing they taught women to do, don’t depend on that kind of thing for happiness, don’t depend on a family, relationship, a man, don’t become a prisoner, don’t make your womb a prisoner to this sexist, racist culture. But nature just happens to take over. It’s sort of like I got an e-mail from my cousin Andy, said, ‘Those plants that are climbing up the walls of the valley, don’t those idiot plants know that heat rises? Those plants are stupid.’ Another guy said, ‘You know what? If the arctic ice is melting, maybe it’s God’s way of making oil on the planet easier to get.’ I got all kinds of people responding to this stuff. People have different thought processes. What happened is that after the feminism of ribald, pedal-to-the-metal feminism died out, natural instincts, the cyclical instincts, women and motherhood took over, they want to have babies. And just saying that I’ve spawned an argument out there, I bet many arguments.

‘Sexist Limbaugh is at it again, all women want is to have babies.’ Not saying that. Didn’t say that’s all they want. So these women who start out, go into law and the Drive-Bys, and these other professions, guess what, when they have the babies, jobs have to be filled, and who’s there to fill them? Other women who are just coming out of school. There are probably some guys that do want to go to these colleges but they can’t get in because the SAT score is too high, the demands and so forth. Universities are doing certain things to limit who can get in, that’s always been the case. So it’s not that all of the guys not there don’t want to be there. Some want to get in, but they’re just not able to for a host of reasons. They don’t have the academic smarts that women do or the application to academic smarts that women do on average in their teenage years. They’re interested in far different things. I’m not saying women are smarter than men period, Snerdley, what I’m saying is their teenage years, women are more applied to the intellectual pursuits than the average guy is. That happens to the average guy later, if you get my drift. There’s a whole bunch of other stuff out there to do, there’s sports, there’s cruising around, any number of things, they gotta be on the move. They’re not going to sit around here and be bookworms and so forth and exchange instant messages with each other.