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RUSH: I can’t believe Obama let this happen. I cannot believe Obama let Gore endorse him publicly. That is a curse. That is a curse worse than if Bill Clinton endorses you. Now some people are out there saying, I think it was David Rodham Gergen, and we have the sound bite of this, David Rodham Gergen is out there saying the best thing would be is if Obama let Clinton and Gore run his administration, the global warming aspect and so forth. It was on CNN last night.


RUSH: I mentioned earlier that Algore and his endorsement is like a curse. It’s tantamount to the Clinton curse. Here is Algore last night in Michigan endorsing Obama.

ALGORE: Yes, we can, ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

RUSH: Right on, right on, right on, right on. Here is Algore December 9th, 2003, in Harlem.

ALGORE: I’m very proud and honored to endorse Howard Dean to be the next president of the United States of America.

RUSH: Right on, right on, right on, Howard Dean. And here is Algore July 26th, 2004, in Boston at the Democrat National Convention.

ALGORE: We’re here this week to present to the nation the man who should be and will be our new president, John Kerry.

RUSH: Track record not good for Algore. He then went on to make some remarks after endorsing Obama last night in Michigan, such as this comment. Everything that’s happened since Gore tried to steal the 2000 election is Bush’s fault.

ALGORE: Take it from me, elections matter.

RUSH: Right on, right on.

ALGORE: If you think the next appointments to our Supreme Court are important, you know that elections matter.

RUSH: Right on, right on, right on, right on.

ALGORE: If you live in the city of New Orleans, you know that elections matter.

RUSH: Stop the tape. Stop the tape. Yes, you do know that elections matter if you live in New Orleans, the election of Bobby Jindal, Vice President Gore, the state’s finally turning around. He’s referring to Hurricane Katrina. I have been practicing great restraint here but these Democrats keep bringing up Hurricane Katrina and they keep using it to indict the Bush administration. I want to know, I look at Iowa, I look at Illinois, I want to see the murders; I want to see the looting; I want to see all the stuff that happened in New Orleans. I see devastation in Iowa and Illinois that dwarfs what happened in New Orleans. I see people working together. I see people trying to save their property. I don’t see a bunch of people running around waving guns at helicopters. I don’t see a bunch of people shooting cops. I don’t see a bunch of people raping people on the street. I don’t see a bunch of people whining and moaning, ‘Where’s FEMA? Where’s Bush?’

I see the heartland of America. When I look at Iowa and when I look at Illinois, I see the backbone of America, and I see people who are doing the best with what they have, and the best they can, to straighten this situation out. I don’t see and I don’t hear a bunch of caterwauling about where’s FEMA and where’s Bush. I don’t hear a bunch of people whining and moaning about how lackluster and poor the response has been. I see people not waiting around. I see people who are trying to handle the situation on their own. I know there are a lot of Democrats up there, don’t misunderstand here. This continual reference to Hurricane Katrina by Democrats like Algore, elections matter, like the aftermath of New Orleans wouldn’t have happened if Bush had not been president. You mean if Algore had been president and Katrina had still happened, that somehow all of the rot that happened in New Orleans would not have happened simply because Algore was in the White House. They wouldn’t have been waving guns at the helicopters?

Congressman William Jefferson (Democrat-Louisiana) wouldn’t have confiscated a couple of rescue vehicles to go to his house and rescue his $90,000 in cold cash that he had in the freezer? Are you saying there wouldn’t have been the rapes and what all else we heard that went on in New Orleans if Algore or a Democrat had been in the White House? It would have been worse. With a Democrat in the White House the people of New Orleans would have sat around and done even less to help themselves. This continual Katrina reference, somebody in the Republican Party has gotta stand up, grow a pair, and say, ‘Enough of this.’ There have been countless disasters since Hurricane Katrina, but I’ll be damned if I can remember the Democrats or the media looking at any of them the same way they did at Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and we all know why. All right, resume this tape of Gore. Just play the rest of this.

ALGORE: If you are or a member of your family are serving in the active military, the National Guard or Reserves, you know that elections matter.

RUSH: Come on. Yeah, we win.

ALGORE: If you’re a wounded veteran, you know that elections matter. If you lost your job, if you’re struggling with your mortgage, you know that elections matter.

RUSH: This guy is the absolute kiss of death for his own party. You could take the combined IQ of this guy and Obama and some of the others that are running this show and it would not equal that of a pencil eraser. We’ve got time for one more bite? Yeah. Just listen to this.

ALGORE: If you care about a clean environment, if you want a government that protects you instead of special interests, you know that elections matter. If you care about food safety, if you like a T on your BLT, you know that elections matter. If you bought poison, lead-filled toys from China or adulterated medicine made in China, if you bought tainted pet food made in China, you know that elections matter. After the last eight years, even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah, and I’m sure you’re going to go out and try to get a bunch of votes from those dogs and cats. It doesn’t even require commentary, and even if it did, I’m out of time and patience.


If you’re just joining us, we concluded the previous hour with audio sound bites of just stupid comments from Algore endorsing Obama last night in Michigan. This will give you a flavor for the whole thing. I just marvel at the notion that the best and brightest minds in this country somehow exist on the left and are typified by thinking like this.

ALGORE: If you care about a clean environment, if you want a government that protects you instead of special interests, you know that elections matter. If you care about food safety, if you like a T on your BLT, you know that elections matter. If you bought poison, lead-filled toys from China or adulterated medicine made in China, if you bought tainted pet food made in China, you know that elections matter. After the last eight years, even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter.

RUSH: Okay, so there you have it, that’s the best and the brightest that the Democrat Party has to offer, endorsing Obama. Now, what was the media reaction to this? Well, it was predictable and worse. Last night, Campbell Brown filled in for Anderson Cooper on CNN, and this is what she reported.

BROWN: Tonight, everybody, he blew the roof off the joint. Algore, one of the last big-name Democrats getting behind Barack Obama in a big way, making a speech that could have won him the White House if he’d been making this kind of speech eight years ago.

RUSH: She’s a news reporter! She’s an anchor! She’s married to a Republican. Do you know who her husband is? Have you ever seen this guy Dan Senor? He was a spokesman for Paul Bremer over in Iraq, and he’s now on TV as a Republican strategist, got one of these crew cuts. You’ve seen him. If you saw him you’d know him when you saw him. Not that that matters. I’m just giving you background information. Would have won him the White House if he’d been making this kind of speech eight years ago? It continues.

BROWN: It was James Carville who suggested it, energy czar, you know, to expand the role, the traditional role of the vice president and to make the issues that he cares most passionately about center stage for him and let him take those issues and run with it.

GERGEN: Not going to happen, Campbell.

BROWN: Do I sound like I want it just too badly here, David? It’s a good story.

RUSH: Oh, don’t give me this good story business. You’re a liberal Democrat, Campbell, and you want Gore in charge of the environment in an Obama administration. Do I sound like I want it just too badly here, David? She’s talking to David Rodham Gergen there, who then said this.

GERGEN: I do think there is a job for him, but not a formal role, and that is, he could be the environmental czar in an informal basis. He could be the person who renegotiates a Kyoto treaty, which expires during the first term of the next president. If he were willing to put himself forward and be anointed in effect during the campaign, I do think that would help the Obama campaign a lot. He could represent the United States. If you, in effect, said Bill Clinton is going to help me in the Middle East and Algore is going to help me deliver a climate change agreement with China and India, that would be a huge contribution to the next administration and would really get a lot of environmentally sensitive people very excited.

RUSH: Now, now, now, wait a minute. Look, I didn’t fall off the turnip truck here. Aside from the obvious fallacies here that Gore could somehow make China do the right thing and that Clinton could somehow do for the Middle East again what he did for it back in the nineties, I thought Obama was the messiah that could do all this on his own? We keep reading that he needs heavyweights in foreign policy. Why? I thought Obama had the ability to do all. He’s the messiah, ladies and gentlemen. Barack Obama, with the sheer force of his personality and his good vibes, and his messiah-like character, why, he can go to Ahmadinejad and all these other people and he can assure them that we mean them no harm and he can go talk to the most evil, mean people in the world, and they’re gonna turn around and they’re going to all become like the Maharishis, they’re doing mantras and having all these transcendental meditation periods in the afternoon, hunky-dory. But now David Rodham Gergen says he needs Gore to shore up his environmental credentials; he needs Clinton working in the Middle East.

Somebody needs to get to David Rodham Gergen and say, ‘Sir, you are undermining the whole premise of the messiah’s campaign and that is change, moving forward, the future,’ bring back Gore and Clinton? Does anybody think, if Obama has the power to decide this, and, frankly, when I look at some of these people the Obama campaign is hiring to vet his vice presidents, and this story that we had earlier about Richard Danzig, who he is hiring to be an advisor, national security — I mean, he’s getting all these hacks from previous administrations. That doesn’t fit with what Obama is projecting about his own campaign: change, new, unique, never been done before. Somebody shoved him out there to be the front man, to put all these other liberal Democrat Party hacks from Richard Holbrooke to Danzig to Clinton to Gore back in the administration, back in power.

Obama’s almost like a figurehead here. This is how I interpret this. If David Rodham Gergen is willing to go on CNN last night and totally undermine the premise of the Obama campaign, it just tells me that Obama’s the front man. He could benefit greatly by having Bill Clinton in the Middle East, of course Clinton really brought peace to the Middle East, didn’t he? Gore could really talk to the Chinese about the Kyoto. It was Clinton who didn’t even push the Kyoto protocol to the United States, the Clinton-Gore administration who threw the Kyoto protocol down the toilet, for crying out loud, Mr. Gergen. But we’re not through. We’re not through sharing with you audio wizardry from past Democrat stars. From a Senator Barack Obama conference call, Senator John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, said this.

KERRY: John McCain is Washington’s biggest supporter for the worst foreign policy decision of our generation, and he’s failed to learn the lessons of 9/11. we’re paying for that failure today, and he is the candidate of the Iraq war mind-set, a mind-set that completely misunderstands and dangerously underestimates the threats of the twenty-first century.

RUSH: So another dingleberry, another absolute embarrassing, loser Democrat launched and vaunted here to premiere status in the messiah’s campaign. On CNN we’re now staffing the Clinton administration. Campbell Brown and David Gergen say okay, we’re going to staff this administration, and in the process they’re telling us they know that Obama is not running his own show. Then they put Kerry out there, we’re for change, we’re the Obama campaign, we’re for change, so we’re going to go back to our most recent loser, John Kerry, the haughty John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, to go out there and totally mischaracterize the policy of the war on terror. So, you heard what Kerry just said, McCain’s biggest supporter, Washington’s biggest supporter for the worst foreign policy decision of our generation, he’s failed to learn the lessons of 9/11, we’re paying for that failure today, he’s the candidate for the Iraq war mind-set that completely misunderstands and dangerously underestimates the threats of the twenty-first century. Let’s go to Meet the Press with Tim Russert. John Kerry, who served in Vietnam, was a guest. Tim Russert said, ‘The Republicans, Vice President Cheney included, have pointed to a comment you made during a Democrat debate, which they think undercuts your support of the war on terrorism. Quote, ‘The war on terror is occasionally military, but it’s primarily an intelligence and law enforcement operation that requires cooperation around the world,’ unquote. You don’t believe the war on terror is primarily a military operation?’

KERRY: Not primarily.

RUSSERT: You don’t?

KERRY: Not primarily.

RUSSERT: You do not?

KERRY: Not primarily. Tim, Iraq had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda.

RUSH: Well, Iraq had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda; the war on terror is not a military operation? This to me sounds exactly like what our old buddy Barack Obama is saying, because Obama’s out there, he’s saying we need to go back to prosecuting the war on terror like we did when we prosecuted the first World Trade Center bombing. Well, it sounds to me like Obama is echoing John Kerry. So Obama, according to David Gergen, needs to go out and get Gore to run his environmental department, his guru, needs to go out and get Clinton to handle the Middle East and now needs to have Kerry somewhat involved in dealing with the war on terror. What all this adds up to is that we are being told right to our faces that Obama doesn’t have what it takes to run all this on his own. He’s just the front man, folks, trust me on this. They’ve got him out there; he is the vessel and the vehicle.

Notice how they’ve set this up. Because of his race, because of his middle name, you can’t attack him, can’t talk about his wife, can’t talk about his preacher, can’t talk about his buddies that blew up the Pentagon, can’t talk about these quick-change, fraudulent embezzlers like Tony Rezko that are his buddies. You can’t talk about his race, can’t talk about his middle name, can’t call him a liberal. So they set it up that because of his skin color you can’t criticize him. Republicans have dutifully fallen right in line with that. We’re not going to be critical of Obama, so we can’t criticize him, so he’s out there, gets away with speeches that say nothing, platitudinous speeches about the future and all this change, and in the meantime CNN has the guests on that are going to staff his administration and we find out it’s the usual Democrat Party hacks from Holbrooke to Clinton to Gore to Kerry or people similar, no change, nothing unique, and a candidate who is a fraud.


RUSH: Centralia, Washington. Bob, hi, nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi. It’s a joy for me, Rush. This is a first time.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: And I just want to tell you how much I support and agree with you totally about Gore’s endorsement of Obama. I just think it’s a ghost echo of the past failure of the Clintons’ era. He did, as you said, with Kerry and Edwards, and I think ’01 never would have happened if they’d have done their job or their business in ’93.

RUSH: That’s true, but you know what this represents? We have to remember, now, to put this within the context of the Obama campaign. The Obama campaign… Mike, grab the PSA that we play, even if I don’t have time to play it all. It’s the great thing that we do about making fun of Obama’s ‘change’ and his idiot supporters and what they say, and let me know what you have that ready to go, because this whole campaign is about ‘change.’ It’s about change, and all they want to do, all these Democrat hacks want is to go back to the same old power brokers that had power during the Clinton years. That’s all this is, and Obama is their vehicle to get ’em there. Listen. We parody this, but parody is funny, comedy works because it has truth in it.

(playing of Obama spoof)

RUSH: So you see, folks? There’s no change. He’s just the vehicle to reinstall all these old hacks that have been out of power for a while and want it back.

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