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RUSH: The overwhelming success of Operation Chaos has demonstrated that this program has power within the electoral field beyond the bounds of the radio program itself and its audience and of course this studio.

Speaking of Operation Chaos, remember Mrs. Clinton last night wants to hear from people for guidance on what she should do, and if you were not here at the beginning of the program, as commander-in-chief, Operation Chaos, I urged all of you to go to her website, www.HillaryClinton.com, find the place where she wants to hear from you, and send her a couple pieces of advice or encouragement or what have you, please keep it polite, please keep it aboveboard. This is a ruse. What she’s trying to do is establish a paper trail that she can show to the Obama campaign that says, ‘See, see, look at all these that I got. These people telling me I should go on; these people telling me I should not get out of this race.’ So she’s angling for power, she wants some power, be it the veep slot, be it a Supreme Court nomination, secretary Health and Human Services where she could run health care and so forth. She wants something. She’s not going to go away quietly. Obama, in fact, has got to figure out a way to deal with this. How many of you are familiar with the musical Camelot? Seen Camelot, Dawn? You have not. Brian, never mind, I know you haven’t. Snerdley? Seen Camelot? Snerdley has not seen Camelot.

There is a song in Camelot. It has been sung by many great song stylists. My favorite version of this song happens to have been recorded in 1968 by the late and great Richard Harris, who sang MacArthur Park, and the title of the song is How to Handle a Woman. Yep, How to Handle a Woman, Lerner and Loewe, Camelot, How to Handle a Woman. Richard Harris sang this song, recorded it on the Warner Brothers label, same thing as MacArthur Park back in 1967. I’m an incurable romantic. I remember listening to this song, playing this song on the radio. It was never a hit, but you work at the radio station, the record companies send you all the worthless stuff you’ll never play as well as the hits because they hope you will play it. Back in those days they’d send you 45 rpm promo copies and every radio station back then had thousands of songs they would never play versus the ones that they did, huge library. This was one of those, and the music director’s job was to listen to all these things that came in and see if there might be something there aside from the general consensus of what was of a hit at the time that the audience might like.

So Obama has got to figure out how to handle Hillary. In fact, The Politico, Roger Simon has a story today: ‘Obama’s First Test: Handling Hillary.’ So I thought the lyrics from How to Handle a Woman, Lerner and Loewe, Camelot, might be applicable. And you may think you’ve not heard this song, but when I read the lyrics to you, you might find it familiar.

How to handle a woman
There’s a way, said the wise old man,
A way known by every woman
Since the whole rigmarole began.
‘Do I flatter her?’ I begged him answer,
‘Do I threaten, or cajole, or plead?
Do I brood or play the gay romancer?’
Said he smiling, ‘No, indeed.’
How to handle a woman,
Mark me well, I will tell you, sir
The way to handle a woman
Is to love her,
Simply love her,
Merely love her, love her, love her.

Lerner and Loewe, philosophy in prose, How to Handle a Woman. Obama, there’s your ticket, pal. Just love her. Still gotta deal with Bill. Loving him won’t work; loving her might.

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