Superdelegate Dilemma: Obama’s Ignorant Worldview a Sure Loser

by Rush Limbaugh - May 21,2008

RUSH: This happened while I was gone. I read this on Sunday. Barack Obama in Roseburg, Oregon, during a campaign rally, this is what Senator Obama said.

OBAMA: We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times and — whether we’re living in the desert or we’re living in the tundra, and then just expect that every other country is going to say, okay, you know you guys go ahead and keep on using 25% of the world’s energy, even though you only account for 3% of the population, and we’ll — we’ll be fine, don’t worry about us. That’s not leadership.

RUSH: This man is a product of his environment, and that is a line of thinking straight out of the academy. It is straight out of elitist professors, universities, teachers and so forth. It’s almost an orthodoxy. It’s not original thinking in any way, shape, manner, or form, but it also represents a worldview that is so starkly unrealistic and wrong as to be frightening. Because what Obama is saying is basically that he believes in a zero sum game, meaning that if you keep your house at 72 degrees, some poor slob in Darfur has to keep his thermostat at 92 degrees, or if you go out and eat a second Quarter Pounder with cheese, hold the pickles, that somebody around the world is denied their first Quarter Pounder with cheese, hold the pickles. More than that, this is the personification of the Jimmy Carter second-term campaign. You in America are guilty. You must do with less. What the world thinks of us is more important, and leadership will be defined in an Obama presidency by making you do with less.

Never mind that you doing with less will not lead to anybody else by definition having more, because that’s not how it happens. Economies, world and national, are constantly enlarging. The pie gets bigger and bigger and bigger in free market systems. This is frighteningly uninformed. It is not intellectual in any way, shape, manner, or form. He is saying something that’s been around from the environmentalist wacko playbook for 25 years, and it is frightening that there are people out there who applaud this. Now, I want to take a moment here once again, I’ve endeavored to do this on two or three previous occasions. I want to speak to you superdelegates in the Democrat Party. Mike, ready that sound bite again. You superdelegates, please, listen to this with your undivided attention.

OBAMA: We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times and — whether we’re living in a desert or we’re living in the tundra, and then just expect that every other country is going to say, okay, you know, you guys go ahead and keep on using 25% of the world’s energy, even though you only account for 3% of the population, and we’ll — we’ll be fine. Don’t worry about us. That’s not leadership.

RUSH: Now, you superdelegates have a real tough decision to make here. You know full well you have a totally flawed candidate here. You know full well when you hear that that you are hearing your party’s probable standard-bearer tell this country that it is not exceptional. Your candidate is ignorant of all of the production that this country has shared with the world in the form of inventions, creations, and advancements in lifestyle that have benefited people the world over, who live in democracies and free market societies. Your candidate is doing his level best to tell the people that he wants to vote for him and your party that the United States of America is guilty, that its best days are behind us, that there is no future, that we cannot keep living as we have, and if we do, we are going to destroy our reputation in the world and the world itself. You know full well this man cannot be elected. You superdelegates know, in your hearts, he cannot be elected. He can’t be elected even against John McCain. He cannot be elected. You know it. You know you are looking at a disaster. If he keeps talking like this — and there’s every expectation he will because his mind is nothing more than a sponge that has soaked up all of the gobbledygook and anti-American BS that he hears from his university buddies. When you listen to Obama speak, you may as well be listening to a college professor, tenured or otherwise.

Now, you supers, we were told that after, what was it, North Carolina, that there would be a steady stream of superdelegates announcing for Obama and for a couple days, there was a trickle, but it has stopped. I saw one today has decided to go to Obama after this huge victory in Oregon. Where are you all? Obama’s now reduced, after having been blown out of five of the last seven primaries, I mean blown out, blown out, not getting anywhere near the votes necessary from your most popular constituency, working class white voters, he’s demonstrating he cannot win this election. You know full well he can’t. It is time for you supers to buck up here. It is time for you to get with the program and get with the plan. I share your pain. I understand the dilemma that you face. You’re worried to death that if you take this away from him, that you’re going to have riots, you’re going to have all kinds of problems with the black vote. I keep trying to tell you, you have done far worse to black people in this country and your own party than taking the nomination away from Barack Obama. And they have always stuck with you, and they will keep sticking with you.

What is the point, superdelegates, of being super, if you’re not going to be super? What’s the point of being a rubber stamp? The superdelegates were set up to be ‘super’ delegates. The superdelegates were set up to prevent the very mistake that is on the verge of being made by your party. I can hear what you’re saying back to me, saying, ‘Mr. Limbaugh, we understand you, but do you realize what our option is? It’s Hillary Clinton.’ Yeah, I know the dilemma that you’re in. I understand the problem that you’ve got. I understand that for a lot of you superdelegates, it’s really not even about the party. It’s about you personally and you wanting a future. Let me put it in terms that are very stark to you. You want to support somebody who’s going to lose this election? Does that make you a winner? Does that help you out down the road? You have, in Barack Obama, one of the most flawed candidates that a political party has ever been on the verge of nominating to be president of the United States, and you know it. He thinks he has campaigned in 57 states. He has said things that Dan Quayle would have been tarred and feathered for saying. He is a gaffe machine. Gaffe after gaffe after gaffe.

Michelle Malkin has a column today, National Review Online, in which she lists a number of these gaffes. You’re all familiar with them, you’ll remember that when you read them, but the press has never made a big deal out of them, but you supers, you know, you know what they are. And you know that once this primary season ends, that those gaffes are going to be exploited. Fifty-seven states; we need Arab language people in Afghanistan, where they don’t speak Arabic, he said that in Cape Girardeau Missouri. Even the folks at Thorngate Limited, the clothing manufacturing factory where he spoke, scratched their heads on that one. Even the people in Rio Linda got that one. That’s how bad that gaffe was. When they understand it’s a gaffe in Rio Linda, you are in trouble.

You better think about this. You have time. He’s lost five of the last seven. He’s been blown out. Look at your own precious exit polls. Look at what the public is seeing of your party. It’s either sexist or racist. And you’ve got nothing but anger roiling throughout your party on both sides of this primary. Livid rage used to be directed at George W. Bush. Now it’s directed internally. As I say, what’s the point of being a superdelegate if you’re not going to be super? What’s the point in being a superdelegate if you’re just going to rubber-stamp? You are there to prevent just this kind of mistake. You are there to prevent another Jimmy Carter. You are there to prevent another George McGovern. You are in the process of nominating one who encapsulates both of them.