Rush’s Morning Update: Technicality May 22, 2008

by Rush Limbaugh - May 21,2008

Rush’s Morning Update: Technicality
May 22, 2008

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Well, with millions of kids about to spend long nights outattending proms and parties and beginning summer vacation,there’s good news for you parents concerned about teen sex that I’m happy to be able to tell you about.

The left-leaning Guttmacher Institute surveyed 2,000 kidsbetween15 to 19, and they learnedthat despite media assumptions, there is not a trend among teenagers to remain “technical virgins.” Now, for those of you in the dark, the term “technical virgin” has roots in the Clinton White House. The intern–Monica Lewinisky, “that woman”– obliged the president orally; President Clinton later declared Ms. Lewinsky’s orals weren’t really sex.

In the years that followed, the Drive-By Media reported that American youth, particularly females, had”swallowed” Clinton’s premisehook, line, and sinker. They supposedly believed that engaging only in oral activities would allow them to remain virgins. Technically.

But the new Guttmacher survey shows that today’s teens aren’t buying it. Laura Lindberg, who led the study, issued a statement: “Research shows that this supposed substitution of oral sex for vaginal sex is largely a myth. There is no good evidence that teens who have not had intercourse engage in oral sex with a series of partners.”

And the survey backs her up. Today’s teenagers– 55 percent of them, anyway– say that they do engage orally,but they’re also doing everything else! They don’t care about technicalities at all. So you parents canrelax:the Clinton era of “technical virgins”is over!

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