Global Warming Hoax Is in Retreat

by Rush Limbaugh - May 9,2008

RUSH: We’ve been discussing global warming a little bit this afternoon. Let me continue with a couple of stories that I have here. This is from LiveScience.com, and it also is from a couple of days ago. ‘Antarctica hasn’t warmed as much over the last century as climate models had originally predicted, a new study finds. Climate change’s effects on Antarctica are of particular interest because of the substantial amount of water locked up in its ice sheets. Should that water begin to melt, sea levels around the globe could rise and inundate low-lying coastal areas.’ This still makes no sense to me because of the whole ice in a glass theory. But we’ll leave that aside. ‘The new study, detailed in the April 5 issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters, marks the first time that researchers have been able to give a progress report on Antarctic climate model projections by comparing climate records to model simulations. … Information about Antarctica’s harsh weather patterns has traditionally been limited, but temperature records from ice cores and ground weather stations have recently been constructed, giving scientists the missing information they needed.’ They were missing information; they’re still forecasting all of this rotgut melting. ‘This is a really important exercise for these climate models,’ said study leader Andrew Monaghan of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder.

‘Monaghan and his team found that while climate models projected temperature increases of 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.75 degrees Celsius) over the past century, temperatures were observed to have risen by only 0.4 F (0.2 C),’ a degree off. ‘This is showing us that, over the past century, most of Antarctica has not undergone the fairly dramatic warming that has affected the rest of the globe,’ Monaghan said. It hasn’t affected the rest of the globe, either. ‘The gap between prediction and reality seemed to be caused by the models overestimating the amount of water vapor in the Antarctic atmosphere. The cold air over the southernmost continent handles moisture differently than the atmosphere over warmer regions. … One reason that Antarctica hasn’t warmed as much as other parts of the globe is the existence of the ozone hole overhead: It alters wind patterns, creating a swirling belt of winds–‘ the bottom line is, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Their models predict this, this isn’t happening, and now they’ve gotta come out with face-saving excuses.

Here’s another one. USA Today, also from two days ago. ‘You really have been meaning to swap out your lightbulbs for those energy-efficient ones. And you really and truly did not mean to leave your computer on all vacation. You did, in fact, hear all those Earth Day messages. And yes, you know you’re not doing enough. You know it and you feel guilty. Hey — join the crowd. In fact, more people (primarily women) are feeling guiltier this year than they were last about their not-so-carbon-neutral habits. So says the second annual Green Guilt Survey commissioned by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation, a non-profit that wants you to recycle batteries.’ Well! Well! We certainly have no bias here, do we? A battery company that wants you to recycle batteries, meaning throw ’em away so they can be remade; buy new ones! ‘In 2007, some 20% of Americans surveyed said they were feeling green guilt. This year, that number jumped slightly to 22%. Men actually felt less guilty this year (18% last year vs. 17% this year), and women were carrying the burden of guilt more (22% vs. 26%).’ This proves again that men are smarter than women. Did I just say that? I did. Let me take it back. It proves that men are less emotional than women.

‘But guilt aside, more Americans said they’re stepping up their actions to make their lives a bit greener, the survey shows. … The primary motivation for people to be a little greener? The children. Some 17% say they’d do more if they had a child, the survey says.’ I’ll guaran-damn-tee you if I had a child it wouldn’t make one damn bit of difference what I think about this hoax, and I’d be inculcating my kid not to believe any of this stuff in a whole host of ways. I wonder why more Americans are feeling green guilt. What could be the source for this guilt, folks? Who could be responsible for this? People would not be walking around feeling guilty were somebody not telling them to. Gotta be a combination of Algore and the Drive-By Media working in concert here.

Global warming could help Greenland to independence, a new national anthem may soon be needed. Greenland has taken ‘its first tentative steps towards becoming an independent state. Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen went to Greenland — which has been part of Denmark since 1721– to present a report that sets out the road to full sovereignty. The plan, which has been drawn up by a committee of politicians from Denmark and Greenland, envisages the phasing out of subsidies from Copenhagen as the huge island makes increasing use of its rich mineral and oil resources under a thick layer of ice.’ Whoa, whoa, what? There’s what there? Rich mineral and oil resources under the ice? How did that happen? Why, how did that happen? Why, it used to be warm there. So global warming here is going to lead to freedom, sovereignty. Greenland breaks away from Denmark. Wow. Global warming, giver of freedom, ladies and gentlemen.


RUSH: I am sure, ladies and gentlemen, you have seen the results, maybe you haven’t, of the massive conservative electoral victory in the UK. A new mayor. Ken ‘The Red’ Livingstone is gone. This new mayor is a performer, he was a columnist, he was a television guy, new mayor. The conservatives got rid of the Tories — got rid of the Labor Party in a majority.

This is looking bad for Gordon Brown. Do you know what the reasons are? Do you know what the reasons are? Among the reasons are these. They have tax increase after tax increase after tax increase in the UK to stop global warming. And guess what? They’ve been at this a lot longer than we have, and their tax increases and their incursions on freedom have been going on for a lot longer here, and there haven’t been any results. After paying all these taxes, after giving up all this freedom, after driving around in a bunch of junk automobiles, the tax increases kept coming, and still the claims of global warming not being stopped kept coming. And the people said, ‘Well, this is never going to end. And all of our efforts aren’t working.’ Now, this dirty little thing called illegal immigration, they finally got fed up with that, too.


RUSH: Brian, title this tune for me. No clue, eh? What about you, Snerdley? Fresh Air, Quicksilver Messenger Service, back in the sixties, it was early heavy metal, like Three Dog Night’s Out in the Country, remember that song? ‘Before the breathin’ air is gone,’ 1968 we were polluting people’s minds. ‘Before the breathin’ air is gone, before the sun is just a bright spot in the nighttime.’ See if you can find Out in the Country from the Prophet System, there, Mike, for the next segment. I remember playing this stuff on the radio my second year in the business, and I never listened to the lyrics of songs because that’s not what attracts me to songs. What attracts me is the melody and the instrumentation and the production. And I’m sitting there, I’m playing this stuff and Lord, I had no clue, I’m helping to pollute people’s minds about global warming and environmental destruction.

Well, go ahead and hit it. We don’t have time to play the whole thing here before the break, but I remember loving this song every time it came up in the music rotation. I’d even cheat the rotation when the program director wasn’t around and play it more frequently than I was allowed. I hope we get enough of the lyric line in here before the commercial break, which is about a minute and ten from here.

(playing of song)

Three Dog Night.

(continued playing of song)

Here we go.

(continued playing of song)

I feel like apologizing to every person in every city I’ve ever lived where I played this song. I was an environmental nut and I didn’t even know it. I actually loved the song. Good song. The melody is fine, instrumentation.

(continued playing of song.)


RUSH: Before we go back to the phones, Three Dog Night, Out in the Country, ‘Before the breathin’ air is gone, before the sun is just a bright spot in the nighttime.’ I’m playing all this stuff in my second, third years in radio and I don’t know what this is; I’m not listening to it. This just goes to show you — because I don’t listen to the lyric lines, I never have listened to the lyric lines — it just goes to show you how long they have been trying to pollute the minds of the youth of America. Marvin Gaye had a great, great song, I loved this song, What’s Going On? Pure anti-war, at a time I was pro-victory in Vietnam. Big anti-war tune, I played it all the time, loved it. And I’d sing along with it, with the lyrics, but lyrics of songs do not penetrate me. Some have, but on a top 40 level, it never happened. So here’s another one. On the What’s Going On album is a song called Mercy, Mercy Me. And in the background you had Detroit Lions players Lem Barney and Mel Farr doing the war hoops. And this Mercy, Mercy Me, this also is about the ecology and how we’re destroying the planet.

(playing of song)

Yeah, and I had no idea.

(continued playing of song)

I mean, I loved Marvin Gaye.

(continued playing of song)

Sexual Healing, what a song that was.

(continued playing of song)

That’s the kind of environmentalism I like, Sexual Healing. That was a great song.

(continued playing of song)

All right, that’s enough of it. When I finally figured all this stuff out, I felt so guilty because I’m helping to pollute young minds. This stuff is influential to people that listen to lyrics.