An Indiana Voting Inspector on Important Ballot Challenge Rules

by Rush Limbaugh - May 5,2008

RUSH: Let’s go to Indianapolis. This is Brian. Brian, it says here that you are an election inspector in the primary tomorrow.

CALLER: That is true. An inspector is in charge of a polling location. So my job tomorrow is a polling location that has approximately 800 voters, and to make sure that the election goes in accordance with the law.

RUSH: Now, are you guys — are you election inspectors — assigned by party, or you show up as nonpartisan?

CALLER: By party. And right now, in Marion County, which is Indianapolis, the Democrat Party holds appointments. But I’ve been doing this since 2000, and they’ve had problems getting reliable people. So they’re still using a number of Republicans, hold-out Republican inspectors.

RUSH: And you are one?

CALLER: And I am one, yes.

RUSH: You’re a Republican inspector. I’m glad you called, actually, because there is some confusion about crossover voters tomorrow and the fact they might be breaking the law. There are efforts to intimidate them from actually following through and voting. Can you explain to us what the rules are?

CALLER: Exactly. In fact, what I wanted to do was make sure that people understand that are going to be voting anywhere in Indiana, what the process is. The process is: If they are challenged, it has to be by a Democrat in their precinct. Somebody walking in off the street, unless they are a credentialed challenger — which somebody has to give me those credentials, and I have to recognize them as being a Democratic challenger in that precinct. But only another voter in that precinct can challenge them. So, at our location we’ve got two precincts right next to each other —

RUSH: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I thought I heard just two confusing things. You said somebody walking off the street, unless they’re a credentialed challenger, cannot challenge one of these voters; but you said another voter in the precinct can. So you mean that if an Operation Chaos voter, a Republican crossover, is in line, and right behind or right in front of them is another voter, that voter can ask the Operation Chaos voter to be challenged?

CALLER: Correct.

RUSH: And challenged by somebody like you?

CALLER: I cannot challenge them on party affiliation. I can only challenge them on voter fraud.

RUSH: Okay. So let’s not confuse this. If somebody in line wants to challenge an Operation Chaos voter, what do they do?

CALLER: They step up and say, ‘I wish to challenge that party affiliation.’

RUSH: To who? But who do they say that to?

CALLER: To us, the election officials.

RUSH: To you, the election officials. What do you do once that has happened?

CALLER: That person challenging must be on my poll list.

RUSH: Okay, if the person is on your poll list, the person challenging is on the poll list, then what?

CALLER: I have a form to fill out. I have the challenger fill out why they are challenging.

RUSH: Why they’re reregistering, you mean?


RUSH: Oh, no. I’m sorry. The challenger has to fill out a form why they are challenging?


RUSH: Okay, I want to get to what happens to the person being challenged.

CALLER: That person then responds on the backside. And they have two choices: One, to mark they voted in the last general election for a majority of in this case Democrat Party; or, if they didn’t vote, to say that they will vote for a majority of Democrats in the upcoming general election.

RUSH: Okay, so it’s sort of like on the official election form they gotta swear a loyalty oath?

CALLER: I wouldn’t put it that far.

RUSH: Sure sounds like it to me.

CALLER: There’s an Indiana code that repeats all of these words, but not being an attorney, I don’t know what the penalty statute is. But again, as you’ve stated multiple times: How are they going to prove it? But there’s one more important point that I’d like to make, if I could.

RUSH: Sure.

CALLER: There are a number of reasons to challenge a voter other than party affiliation. As we heard from the Supreme Court, our ID law now is valid; and if someone doesn’t have proper ID and still wants to vote, I give them what’s called a provisional ballot. It’s segregated, and it’s dealt with after the Election Day by the county election board. A challenged voter on party grounds does not vote a provisional ballot. They wrote a regular ballot.

RUSH: This is important for Operation Chaos operatives to understand. If a Democrat– and I would tell you Operation Chaos voters tomorrow to fully expect to be challenged. They are looking for you. This caller, Brian, in Indianapolis, is a poll watcher. He’s an elections official. You are going to be challenged, and the point he just made is crucial. You, after having been challenged, can vote. You will not be given… Your vote is not provisional. It will count, and you fill out the form after you’ve been challenged, and you say whatever it says you’ve gotta say. Because the only way that they can find out who you voted for is if you tell ’em, and it’s none of their business. You don’t have to tell anybody who you voted for, correct?

CALLER: That’s the law.

RUSH: That’s the law. All of this is the law. So this is basically an intimidation factor. Don’t tell me the Democrats don’t think there’s anything to Operation Chaos. We know there is, because they are mounting this kind of intimidating challenge. This is who these people are, folks. Brian, I’m really glad you called and explained this. Is there anything else people need to know before you go?

CALLER: I just wanted to make sure that people don’t vote a provisional ballot if they’re charged on political party grounds, that they vote a regular ballot, because I have seen confusion. The procedures are very well documented, very well laid out. They give us a handbook. We’ve got a handbook from the secretary of state as well with all of these things in it. But I have watched inspectors in other precincts on different occasions do it wrong.

RUSH: On purpose.

CALLER: And I want to make sure that people going in to vote on Operation Chaos, know what the process is so they can very, very politely say, ‘I believe I vote a regular ballot. I don’t vote a provisional,’ and when they go and look up the procedures, that’s exactly what it is.

RUSH: I appreciate your call, Brian. I’ll make sure that these rules are passed on to our operatives as the program unfolds for the remainder of the afternoon. Thanks very much for taking your time.

CALLER: It’s a pleasure. I’ve been listening to you for 17 years, ever since I was in college, and it’s quite an honor to actually speak to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Let me just reiterate: If you are challenged, if you’re an Operation Chaos voter, if you’re a Republican that’s registered Democrat for the first time tomorrow, and if somebody in line challenges you — and you should fully expect this. If you’re challenged on party affiliation, do not let them make you vote provisional. You can vote regularly, not provisional ballot. It will count. Don’t let them intimidate you. If you show up and — you know, they got the new voter ID law — if you’re challenged on ID, that’s a different matter. They will take a provisional ballot there. Do not be talked out of this tomorrow.


RUSH: I want to speak a little bit more about this intimidation that will no doubt happen in Indiana tomorrow as Democrats attempt to challenge you, Operation Chaos voters. We’ve been through this before. There are a number of things that you can do to avoid being challenged. Here is a partial list. Do not bathe tonight, and do not shave if you are a man. Wear jeans, sandals, flip-flops, Birkenstocks. Don’t tuck your shirttail in. Another thing you can do is hold your head up very high so that you appear to be snooty and elitist, looking down on everyone else. Act confident. Do not act afraid. Do not act like a suspect. Act like a Democrat. Keep talking about how much you love Obama, how you can’t wait to vote Obama. Now, one thing you have to consider is people vote by precinct. So you probably are going to be showing up at the polling place with some people who will know you. Your neighbors, some people who will recognize you. Those people know where your ideals lay. Some of your friends may know that you’re an Operation Chaos operative. Some may not. So, will your neighbors try to go in when their fellow neighbors are at work?

This is another thing that you can do, folks. You know, most Republicans in the primaries, in the election, vote before work. They get up very early and they go in before work. This is another thing you can do, vote at ten o’clock in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon, skipping the lunch hour. That’s when most liberal Democrats show up to vote, when other people are working, any number of things that you can do here to avoid being challenged, but you still have to go into this tomorrow fully expecting to be challenged. Now, if you get challenged and these poll directors, these poll workers challenge you to have to say that you voted majority Democrat or Republican in the past and will do so in the future, one of the things you have to keep in mind they’re doing is disenfranchising moderates, because what’s a moderate supposed to answer to this? You know, a moderate by definition votes for anybody and everybody, and it’s never a straight party ticket. Any number of ways that you can go about this, ladies and gentlemen, and have fun with it, but whatever you do, do not be deterred, do not be intimidated, because at the end of all this, nobody is allowed to know how you voted once you went into the booth.