Total Chaos in Democrat Primary

by Rush Limbaugh - May 1,2008

RUSH: It is total chaos today in the Democrat primary. A former chairman of the Democrat National Committee who served in the final years of the Clinton administration, Joe Andrew, has defected from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama. He says, ‘I am convinced the primary process has devolved to the point it’s now bad for the Democrat Party.’

Bill Clinton appointed Andrew the chairman of the DNC near the end of his presidency and Joe Andrew endorsed Hillary last year on the day she declared her candidacy. But he said in a letter that he is switching his support to Obama because, quote, ‘A vote for Hillary is a vote to continue this process. And a vote to continue this process is a vote that assists McCain.’ He has just defined Operation Chaos. ‘While I was hopeful that a long, contested primary season would invigorate our party, the polls show that the tone and the temperature of the race, is now hurting us.’ Not so fast, Mr. Andrew. ‘John McCain, without doing much of anything, is now competitive against both of our remaining candidates.’ He is not. He has lost ground. He’s nine points behind Mrs. Clinton. ‘We are doing his work for him,’ says Andrew, ‘and distracting Americans from issues that really affect all of our lives.’ Now, he wants the chaos stopped. A lot of theories abound about what he’s actually trying to do here, but the bottom line is Democrats want this over with as quickly as they can get it.

Jeremiah Wright has wrought great damage to Barack Obama. ‘Daily presidential tracking poll from Rasmussen Thursday shows that Barack Obama’s former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, has had a significant impact on the race, and this news is not good for Obama. In general election polling, McCain now attracts 46 of the vote, while Obama gets 43% of the vote. Just before Wright had his press conference on Monday, McCain and Obama were even. A week ago, Obama had a two-point edge. McCain is now tied with Hillary at 44 in the Rasmussen poll. She’s up by nine in the AP/Ipsos poll. A week ago McCain had a two-point edge over the former first lady but she is creeping up in Rasmussen’s poll.’ These figures mean that Clinton now outperforms Obama by three points. Operation Chaos. ‘A week ago, Obama outperformed Clinton by four. Daily tracking results are updated daily at 9:30 in the morning.’ Now, in the race for the Democrat presidential nomination, from Rasmussen: ‘The right impact is especially evident. Clinton now has a statistically insignificant two-point lead over Obama, 46-44. However, that represents a ten-point swing since Wright’s press conference. Before Pastor Wright appeared at the National Press Club, Obama led Clinton by nearly eight points. In Indiana, Clinton leads Obama by five. The Rasmussen market data show Obama continues to be the favorite for the first time Democrat nomination, but expectations have slipped significantly in recent days.’ Operation Chaos. Without Operation Chaos, we would not know, ladies and gentlemen. Jeremiah Wright would not be out doing what he’s doing.

From the Associated Press: ‘Democrat Barack Obama and his wife said Thursday the public is tired of hearing about incendiary remarks by their former pastor, as they sought to put the controversy that has rocked his presidential campaign to rest. ‘We hear time and time again voters are tired of this,’ Michelle Obama said in an interview the couple gave to NBC’s Today Show.’ They are tired of it, but not in the way you Obamas think. Take a look at the polling numbers. They are tired of it. In North Carolina, a new poll has Hillary ahead for the first time by two points. Now, the pollsters that did this poll still think that Obama is going to win North Carolina. Black polling is difficult right now, these pollsters say. But he’s not going to win in the way he thought he was, not going to be 16 points double digits. The race is in turmoil at the moment, and it’s very fluid according to pollsters. Rasmussen and others are having a tough time getting a read on this. But Rasmussen says — and this is quite interesting — Rasmussen says it’s a major shift that white voters are fleeing Obama. Wealthy educated whites in North Carolina, Barry’s stronghold is falling apart. Well-l-l-l-l-l. Well-l-l-l-l-l-l-l. It’s the Insider Advantage majority opinion survey, North Carolina Democrat primary. Hillary Clinton takes lead over Obama. It’s a 571-person poll, likely voters. Hillary 44, Obama 42, and the undecideds are at 14%. His problem is the white vote erosion.

‘If this white vote shift does not erode, given that North Carolina’s white Democratic voters are primarily in the Research Triangle, where education and personal finances are in the top tier for the nation, then I would say this suggests a major shift in all future primaries towards Clinton,’ said the author of this survey.


RUSH: More bad news for Obama. The New York Times: His ‘aura of inevitability in the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination has diminished after his loss in the Pennsylvania primary and amid the furor over [Jeremiah Wright], according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll. [T]he survey found that Mr. Obama, whose lead in the race for the delegates needed to secure the nomination,’ is in big trouble.

He’s ‘perceived to be in a much bigger fight. Fifty-one percent of Democratic primary voters say they expect Mr. Obama to win their party’s nomination, down from 69 percent’ a mere 30 days ago! ‘Forty-eight percent of Democrats say he is the candidate with the best chance of beating [McCain].’ Obama ‘still holds an edge over Mrs. Clinton … on several key measures; for example, 46 percent of the Democratic primary voters said he remained their choice for the nomination. … Democrats see no early end to [this] battle, the poll found. About 7 in 10,’ we’ll call that 70% ‘Democratic voters predict that their party’s nominee will not be decided before the convention in August.’ Chaos! With all kinds of people showing up in Denver to try to stop the proceedings, with whatever measures they can employ.