Drunk Wakes with Can in Rear

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 17,2008

RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut. Go back to the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites. Klaus Nomi with the vocal portrayal here. It’s our Gay Community Update Theme, my friends, coming up now.

(playing of Gay Community Update Theme)

RUSH: Looks just like he sounds, folks, trust me.

(continued playing of song)

RUSH: Controversy has erupted over a YouTube video, ladies and gentlemen, showing Philippine doctors laughing while removing an object, a canister from the rectum of a patient. This video may lead to charges against the surgeons and cost them their medical license. It’s a three minute video, noisy operating room, doctors and nurses laughing. ‘At one point, a hand appears with a cellphone camera taking a close-up picture of the surgery. As a doctor gingerly pulled out a 15cm long canister from the male patient’s rectum, someone shouted, ‘Baby out!” and then they start spraying each other with the aerosol that’s inside the can, it’s all viewable on YouTube. If you’re going, ewwwww, so am I.

(continued playing of song)

RUSH: Rev it up there, Klaus!

(continued playing of song)

RUSH: The late great Klaus Nomi, ladies and gentlemen. Yes! And You Don’t Know Me. It’s our Gay Community Update Theme. Now, we’re not through with this story. Because I’m sure you’re wondering, okay, we got the YouTube video, it’s at a Philippine hospital, it’s in Manila, and the doctors pull this canister out of the rear end of a guy, and they take pictures of it, and they start spraying the aerosol can all over the place. The doctor that removes the canister cap sprays the contents toward the crowd of nurses and doctors. It remains unclear who shot the video and who posted it on YouTube, but the person who did post it, removed it from the website yesterday. The video has angered the unidentified patient. The patient found out about this and plans to press charges, according to his lawyer. Dr. Emmanuel Gines said that more than ten people were involved, including staff and medical and nursing students from a nearby operating room. I imagine that this guy came in and the word spread through the ER pretty quick and said, ‘Hey, guess what we’ve got here? We got a guy with a six-inch canister up the rear end. You want to see us take this out?’

So everybody pours in there, camera — (laughing) — well, I don’t know what the spray was. (interruption) It was a body spray. (laughing) It’s not Cheez Whiz. (interruption) See, this is why the staff does not have a microphone. Gee whiz, don’t do this to me. Cheez Whiz. (interruption) It’s not Silly String. It was body lotion. (interruption) Would you let me finish the story? (laughing) I’m trying to provide as journalistically as possible the details. I keep being interrupted by some sick members of my own staff. Now, ‘Dr. Jose Sabili, president of the Philippine Medical Association, told the Associated Press on Wednesday the group will conduct an investigation if a formal complaint is filed and doctors found violating medical ethics could be suspended or expelled from the association, which would result in the suspension or termination of their state health insurance accreditation. The results of the investigation could also be used by the Professional Regulations Commission to suspend or revoke their licenses, Sabili said. Health Undersecretary Alexander Padilla said the Health Department will conduct a separate investigation. The 39-year-old patient received surgery on Jan. 3, three days after a New Year’s drinking spree and a ‘one-night stand’ with a male partner, Ceniza, the lawyer, told the AP. He said his client was too drunk to remember how the body spray canister ended up,’ in his rear end.


(playing of bumper music)

RUSH: You’ll Never Find Another Love Like Mine. See this can? (laughing) It did sound like a couple of drunk divers. (laughing)