RUSH: People asked me, ‘Rush, when’s the next Rinnai Tankless Water Heater commercial coming?’
I said, ‘There happens to be one coming up in the next hour.’
Regardless, though, it’s the fastest way to save money because it heats water only when you need it! And it works. You can have as many showers going, as many as laundries, washing machines going, dishwashers and so forth, and if a fifth person needs to take a shower, if you have that many, the water will be there. You don’t pay to have it stored. You can find out how much you can save with a Rinnai Tankless Water Heater by going to their website,; calculate it for yourself. It really is fascinating technology, and it works. I mean, you wouldn’t drive a Model T today, but your old water tank in the basement or wherever it is, is one. with a Rinnai Tankless Water Heater.