Democrats Are Cracking Up Under the Pressure of Operation Chaos

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 25,2008

RUSH: Get this story. This we just love. It’s by Peter Jackson, and it’s from the Associated Press, dateline, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ‘Democratic Party enrollment surged past the 4 million mark Monday, setting a state record on the last day Pennsylvanians had to register to vote in next month’s presidential primary. The figures, which showed modest declines in the ranks of Republicans and independents, reflected intense interest in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination and recruitment efforts by both candidates, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois. Since last year’s election, which featured races for judicial and municipal offices, the number of Democrats –‘ get this, (laughing) the number of people registering as Democrats, let’s put it that way, ‘– increased by more than 161,000, or more than 4 percent, to at least 4,044,952. No political party in the state had previously reached the 4 million threshold.’

I have to tell you something, folks. The left and the Democrats did everything but gift wrap their primary schedule for my 20th anniversary. This is our 20th anniversary. Well, it will be on August 1st. What better gift has the left given me than the Democrat Party primary schedule? ‘The figures, released by state elections officials, did not include the final hours of voter registration in the state’s 67 counties or mailed-in applications, which will count as long as they are postmarked Monday. The largest percentage gains were concentrated in the Philadelphia suburbs and the state’s central region –‘ which we own, by the way, ‘– mostly in counties where Republicans still outnumber Democrats. Of the more than 8.2 million Pennsylvania voters more than 120,000 are people who were not previously registered to vote.’ Oh, man, we are increasing participation in the electoral process, and they want to indict me, the commanding officer of Operation Chaos for this. ‘The business of registering Pennsylvanians to vote was brisker than ever in many counties on the last day to sign up. At the Luzerne County elections office in Wilkes-Barre –‘ we own Wilkes-Barre, we own Harrisburg, we own Allentown. We own ’em, folks, we own ’em. ‘– Director Leonard Piazza III said the pace Monday was ‘very brisk,’ including hundreds of fresh applications dropped off by the Clinton and Obama campaigns. ‘This is more like what we see in November’ for general elections,’ said Director Leonard Piazza III. Okay, so the Obama and Clinton campaigns are responsible for bringing hundreds, but yet hundreds of thousands actually registered. Nowhere in this story is Operation Chaos mentioned. But they know.

CARL: I wish you would stop the Operation Chaos. It’s ridiculous.

RUSH: That’s Carl from Philadelphia yesterday. Many of you people think that this was Charles Barkley on the phone. In fact, grab the one minute twenty-eight version, edited version of Carl’s call yesterday, Mike. I listened to this this morning, and I see what you all mean, it does sound like Barkley. I just know that if Barkley called here, he would use his real name. But here’s the one minute — we condensed the call to the essence of Carl’s complaint.

CARL: Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush. This Operation Chaos that you have is really ridiculous and it’s stupid and it’s what we call in sports unsportsmanlike conduct. Yeah, I hope you keep doing it, because what you’re doing, you’re edging us closer and closer to the White House. When Hillary or Barack is in the White House, we going to call and thank you all because you all are really helping the cause. You should stop this, Rush, really. This is really, really out of bounds, it is really, really stupid. Rush, I wish you would stop the Operation Chaos. It’s ridiculous. Please stop the Operation Chaos. Talk about the economy. Talk about why I have to put $70 in my SUV every three days. Talk about other issues, because other issues more important with the American people. Watch what I tell you, Rush. Rush, in about two weeks, people are going to get tired of you all bashing Obama. You should stop this, Rush, really. This is really, really out of bounds, it is really, really stupid, and it’s what we call in sports unsportsmanlike conduct. When they win the election in November, you are going to be partially responsible, you and all the other idiots —

RUSH: We’ve looped that. It goes on and on ad infinitum. That’s Carl from Philadelphia yesterday threatening me and then begging me to stop Operation Chaos. (laughing) When he said ‘really, really,’ it does sound like Charles Barkley, but I don’t think it was Charles, I really don’t. At any rate, Operation Chaos continues to roll on, and we are having so much fun with this, folks, especially the story 161,000 people show up, and they haven’t even counted the mail-ins and the ones that arrived late in the day yesterday, and they credit Obama and Hillary for delivering hundreds? (laughing)


RUSH: I just had this sent to me by Koko up at the website. The Nation magazine: ”Limbaugh’s Lying Voters Under Investigation’ — Operation Chaos, Rush Limbaugh’s campaign urging Republicans to vote for Hillary in Democrat primaries has been very effective. It doubled Republican turnout in Ohio and Texas, boosting Clinton and prolonging the Democrat race. But in Ohio it was almost certainly illegal,’ and so they make the case here that prosecutors should indict, should investigate but the funny thing is that in the story they actually put a picture of our Operation Chaos cap that is for sale at the EIB Store at RushLimbaugh.com. So in the process of urging Ohio officials to investigate and indict me and voters, they are advertising our Operation Chaos cap (laughing). Use the proceeds for bail.


RUSH: Well, we have people urging Ohio prosecutors to investigate and indict me for Operation Chaos. We have people at The Nation magazine and on PMSNBC urging the Ohio authorities to conduct their investigation and indict me. Again, to you communists over at The Nation, let me ask you something. In Pennsylvania, you have Obama and Hillary both asking Republicans to register as Democrats so they can vote for them in the upcoming primary on April 22nd. In Ohio, the same thing happened, the Obama campaign put leaflets on people’s doors saying if you’re Republican, go ahead and vote Democrat, your primary’s all sidled up, so just register as a Democrat here and vote for me. Now, why haven’t you people at The Nation — by the way, thanks for the picture of our Operation Chaos cap in your article — why haven’t you urged the indictment of Obama and Hillary given their roles in urging non-Democrats to vote for them in these states.