Bosnia Lie: CBS Destroys Hillary

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 25,2008

RUSH: Mrs. Clinton today on the radio in Pittsburgh — (laughing) listen to this. This is about CBS’ big hit piece on her last night. Operation Chaos. CBS, Katie Couric, the evening news. Katie Couric is one of Hillary’s biggest buds. Now the reporterette on this case was Sharyl Attkisson, and I like Sharyl Attkisson. She used to be at CNN way, way, way, way back. I remember Sharyl Attkisson once invited me to the White House Correspondents Dinner back during the period of time where I wasn’t going, and I still haven’t been back. I don’t know her, I know her work. The White House Correspondents Dinner, the networks go out there and buy tables and they invite guests that they hope will cause trouble, controversy, and so forth, who better than I, El Rushbo, to do that, but I think the whole White House Correspondents Dinner, I think it’s bogus. It’s sort of like the Hatfields and McCoys having a dinner deciding to put aside their hostilities for one night, and it’s all phony, and then later that night they’re back to hating each other again. The president shows up and dutifully tells some jokes and makes fun of himself. Usually the entertainment makes fun of the president, makes fun of the conservatives in the audience and Republicans, and they sit there and they laugh, happy to be included in the big bash. It’s not my cup of tea.

Anyway, we’ve gotta whole audio sound bite display coming up on this one. This is about Mrs. Clinton. She’s been caught in a huge, bold-faced lie about sneaking into Bosnia, corkscrewing down there on a C-130 or whatever, and getting off the plane and running for cover because there was sniper fire. No such thing ever happened. She was with a couple of entertainers, Sinbad and Sheryl Crow, and it was as safe as anything could be in Bosnia at the time. So this has been exposed. CBS did the hit piece last night, Sharyl Attkisson, the reporterette, and so Hillary was on Pittsburgh radio this morning, said, (paraphrasing) ‘Well, occasionally I am a human being like everybody else. I’ve written about it in my book. I talked about it on many other occasions and last week for the first time in 12 or so years I misspoke.’ For the first time in 12 years I misspoke? I tell you, the pressure is getting to her. We have an audio sound bite of Clinton. He doesn’t light into this MTV reporterette, we have an advance exclusive on this, it’s a conversation about gay marriage with an MTV reporterette. You can hear the stress and the tension in Clinton’s voice and in his answer.

Last night on PMSNBC, Dan Abrams and his new legal show devoted most of it to me on the possibility that I will be and should be indicted in Ohio for Operation Chaos. We have audio sound bites of that. (laughing)


RUSH: Here’s Mrs. Clinton, by the way, this morning on the radio in Pittsburgh.

HILLARY: I am a human being like everybody else. Uh, the military took great care of us. You know, they were worried about, uh, you know, taking a first lady to a war zone and took some extra precautions and worried about, uh, all kind of things, but, uh, uhh, I’ve written about it in my book and I talk about it on many other occasions, and last week, uh, you know, for the first time in 12 or so years I misspoke.

RUSH: ‘Last week… for the first time in 12 years or so I misspoke’ about the Bosnia arrival. You know, Hillary if you’re going to lie about this, just say that you were confused, that you were watching sniper fire on the in-flight movie and that that’s where you got the idea for it, but it looks like, ladies and gentlemen — we’re still tracking this down, but it looks like — the Drive-Bys have Hillary saying the same thing about sniper fire last month. February 29, 2008, a campaign stop in Waco, Texas, quote: ‘I remember particularly a trip to the Bosnia where the welcoming ceremony had to be moved inside because of sniper fire.’ So she said it again. She ‘misspoke.’ This is the second time she’s misspoken in 12 years. I guarantee you, Operation Chaos, the pressure, everything is getting to these people. Wait ’til you hear the Clinton bite. You know, and Obama and his crowd, they’re not that much better off, in terms of the pressure and everything. They’re both waiting around for the other to screw up: hoping, hoping, hoping that the other side screws up.


RUSH: All right, to the audio sound bites. This is Mrs. Clinton on March 17th, a montage of Mrs. Clinton remarking about her 1996 trip to Bosnia.

HILLARY: I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. It was a moment of great pride for me. There was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the first lady.

RUSH: Now, that sounds funny, but you can take that in any number of ways. If it’s too small, too poor, too dangerous, send the first lady? Anyway, the whole thing’s a lie. Everything she said is a lie. We exposed it a week ago, our buddies at NewsBusters had this a week ago, we talked about it a week ago, but it finally found its way into the Drive-By Media as of yesterday. Here again Mrs. Clinton on the radio in Pittsburgh.

HILLARY: I am a human being like everybody else. Uh, the military took great care of us. You know, they were worried about, uh, you know, taking a first lady to a war zone and took some extra precautions and worried about, uh, all kind of things, but, uh, uhh, I’ve written about it in my book and I’ve talked about it on many other occasions, and last week, uh, you know, for the first time in 12 or so years I misspoke.

RUSH: Yeah, well, we’ve had it on record, some people do — we’re checking anyway that back on February 29th, leap day in Waco, Texas, Mrs. Clinton told the same lie. The liberals think that their buds in the Drive-Bys are not going to go after ’em. They have this little cocoon of safety in which they live and they get puff-piece treatment by their friends in the media, but that has ended for Mrs. Clinton. Here’s a montage of Sharyl Attkisson’s report last night on the CBS Evening News.

ATTKISSON: In the speech last week, Senator Clinton was referring to her visit to Tuzla Bosnia in 1996 as first lady. A brutal war was over but hostilities continued, and though the trip was exactly 12 years ago tomorrow, the memory seemed etched in Clinton’s mind. Problem is, that’s not what happened. And we should know. CBS News accompanied the first lady and daughter Chelsea on that Bosnia trip. That’s Senator Clinton talking to me on the military flight into Tuzla, and these are the pictures we recorded of the greeting ceremony when the plane landed. Compare that to Senator Clinton’s account. There was no sniper fire, either, when Senator Clinton visited two Army outposts where she posed for photos, and no sniper fire back at the base where she sang at a USO show starring Sinbad and Sheryl Crow. Hundreds of thousands have viewed the video online in just the past few days, a reminder that in politics, memories should always match the videotape.

RUSH: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Now, there are some obvious questions. CBS, the Evening News with Katie Couric, just destroyed Hillary Clinton, just destroyed her. This CBS report on Hillary’s excellent Bosnia adventure, I don’t think it would have been filed, folks, if the race had not been extended by Operation Chaos. Operation Chaos can lay partial claim for this story being filed. The CBS report that you just heard a montage of was actual journalism directed at a Democrat icon. Now, that is news. Now, Operation Chaos isn’t just causing the two front-runners to bloody each other. It’s also had the effect of prompting the Drive-By Media to do the job it’s avoided for years: journalism, fact-checking. That’s how upside down things have become. The Drive-By Media now stopping long enough to fact-check and report on Democrats, a remarkable development. But here’s the question. CBS in this piece admits they had the videotape that shows Mrs. Clinton’s lying. What took them so long to dig into their archives? The people on that trip had to know she was lying the first time she said it. Sharyl Attkisson and whoever the camera people were that produced it, they had to know. However long Mrs. Clinton has been lying about this, they had to know it.

Now, what is it that finally made CBS do this story? Well, I’m going to give you at least two possibilities. One, the Washington Post yesterday in their Fact Checker blog on their website finally exposed it, and that gave CBS cover, somebody else did it first. The second thing is — and don’t discount this one — Mrs. Clinton is dodging a CBS request to do a debate in North Carolina next month ahead of the North Carolina primary. It would be Katie Couric’s only debate that she would moderate and host. She got aced out of a couple of these in the regular Democrat primary season for a host of reasons, the writers strike and a number of other things, and this was going to be Katie’s chance to get in with the, well, big boys — I’m searching for a word other than boys. I don’t want this to sound sexist. Hillary is not cooperating. Hillary’s backing off, she’s hedging. So make no mistake: Queen Bee Syndrome here. You’ve had Katie Couric in Hillary Clinton’s back pocket. Katie Couric has been one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest supporters for as long as Hillary has had presidential perspirations. And now Hillary is shafting Katie, and so Katie says, oh, yeah? Well, I won’t do the report but I’ll let it air on my newscast. Total slam. But it’s fascinating to me, CBS had eyewitnesses to this account, eyewitnesses to this event. They have known from the get-go that Hillary Clinton was lying about this, and they sat on it and they didn’t do a thing with it until they were forced into it by whatever reason, and part of the reason obviously, ladies and gentlemen, Operation Chaos. Let’s go to Waco, Texas, February 29th of this year.

HILLARY: One of the great honors of being first lady and of being a Senator is the time that I was privileged to spend with our troops, here at home, in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Bosnia and Kosovo and places around the world. I remember particularly a trip to Bosnia where the welcoming ceremony had to be moved inside because of sniper fire.

RUSH: So she told the lie on February 29th. Here, play her this morning, cut 25 on Pittsburgh radio this morning.

HILLARY: I am a human being like everybody else. Uh, the military took great care of us. You know, they were worried about, uh, you know, taking a first lady to a war zone and took some extra precautions and worried about, uh, all kind of things, but, uh, uhh, I’ve written about it in my book and I talk about it on many other occasions, and last week, uh, you know, for the first time in 12 or so years I misspoke.

RUSH: Uh, uh, uh, let’s go back about a month, February 29th, Waco, Texas, again.

HILLARY: One of the great honors of being first lady and of being a Senator is the time that I was privileged to spend with our troops, here at home, in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Bosnia, Kosovo, and places around the world. I remember particularly a trip to Bosnia where the welcoming ceremony had to be moved inside because of sniper fire.

RUSH: And this is a montage of Senator Clinton on March 17th.

HILLARY: I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. It was a moment of great pride for me. There was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the first lady.

RUSH: Sharyl Attkisson in her CBS report last night: Problem is, that’s not what happened, and we should know. CBS News accompanied the first lady and daughter Chelsea on that trip, and there wasn’t any sniper fire. Now, you have to admit, folks, I mean we try to look for the positives here at the EIB Network. You have to admit that Mrs. Clinton has improved her delivery when telling lies. She’s gotten almost believable here. This is the third or fourth time she’s told the lie even though she said it’s the first in 12 years she misspoke about this, almost sounded convincing. Not like the other lies. I mean, the other lies, like when she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary but nobody even knew who he was when she was born, hadn’t climbed the mountain yet. The Marines didn’t want her, you know, that lie, nobody bought that, she wanted to sign up and be a Marine in Chicago, but they didn’t want her. The extended lie press conference, she’s getting better. But, but, but she’s been caught. I mean, think of this, too. She knows CBS is on a trip with her. This is what I mean. They think that the Drive-Bys are going to cover for them, and they always have, until now.


RUSH: Folks, it’s getting even worse. We have found yet another instance of Mrs. Clinton telling the sniper fire lie upon landing in Tuzla, Bosnia. On December 29th, Mrs. Clinton was in Dubuque, Iowa — last year, December 29th, 2007 — and she said that, quote, ‘We landed in one of those corkscrew landings and ran out because they said there might be sniper fire.’ Then on March 11th, in the Washington Post, a column entitled, ‘The Sleuth.’ Headline: ‘Sinbad Unloads on Hillary Clinton — Finally, the Barack Obama campaign has found a big gun to help shoot down Hillary Rodham Clinton’s self-proclaimed foreign policy experience. And he may be the wackiest gun of all: Sinbad, the actor, who has come out from under a rock to defend Obama in the war over foreign policy credentials. Sinbad, along with singer Sheryl Crow, was on that 1996 trip to Bosnia that Clinton has described as a harrowing international experience that makes her tested and ready to answer a 3 a.m. phone call…’ Sinbad says it was not harrowing. ‘He just remembers it being a USO tour to buck up the troops amid a much worse situation than he had imagined between the Bosnians and Serbs.

‘In an interview with The Sleuth Monday, he said the ‘scariest’ part of the trip was wondering where he’d eat next. ‘I think the only ‘red-phone’ moment was: ‘Do we eat here or at the next place.”’ So one of the people she was with has debunked the whole thing. We went back to the archives. From The Hill, Capitol Hill newspaper, ‘The campaign of [Hillary Clinton] is seeking to play down news that the former first lady gave an incorrect account of landing in Bosnia in 1996 under sniper fire, and refused to answer additional questions about a flap that could hurt her chances … ‘We’ve said all we’re going to say on that,’ said Deputy Communications Director Phil Singer on a Tuesday morning conference call with reporters.’ So, they’re in lockdown on the Bosnia flap. She has four instances of lying about this going back to December 29th of last year, and even lying about it after Sinbad put the whole lie to it in the Washington Post on March 11th. This is exactly what we mean when we say the Drive-Bys cover for these people and they have come to expect it. Not just the Clintons, but all liberals, all Democrats. We even went back to the archives of Rush: The Television Show, 1996 in March. This is what I said about Mrs. Clinton in Bosnia.

RUSH ARCHIVE: She’s in Tuzla, Bosnia, with her troops. Now I don’t know about you, folks, but I find this obscene. Whitewater heats up, Travelgate heats up, and they go out and use the military as props. You listen to any news break, you tune into any television news show, you listen to any commentator and what do you hear? ‘The first first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to visit our troops in danger.’ The first first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to visit the troops? Do you think that each and every journalist came up with this little factoid on his or her own, or did someone make sure they got it? And who could that someone be? I mean, is it possible that item, that link to Eleanor Roosevelt was planned, released, faxed, re-faxed by the White House? And what is this ‘troops in danger’? ‘Troops on the front lines’? I mean, it’s a peacekeeping mission, for crying out loud.

RUSH: This morning on DNCTV, Andrea Mitchell confirms what I said in 1996, and she used the Eleanor Roosevelt talking point back then. This is Morning Joe. The fill-in host is Buchanan today, and he says, ‘Andrea, Wolfson yesterday when we talked to him, he made two points. He said she went off to some sort of fire base, you know, which was heavily protected by machine guns.’ You know what really amazes me, is we’re all so caught up in the fact that a Clinton lied. What’s really news about this? The bottom line: What’s news about it? The news is that the Drive-Bys have turned on them. Here is what Andrea Mitchell said about this.

MITCHELL: They would not have sent the first lady someplace that was that dangerous. It is accurate that she was the first first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to go to a war zone, and so they had a good talking point. They just, I think, pushed it too far.

BUCHANAN: But he also read, and we sat here and listened, the ledes of a number of stories — I don’t know if they’re wire copy or news story — which mentioned just what you’re talking about, that she was the first first lady —


BUCHANAN: — since Eleanor Roosevelt to go into a combat zone or something quasi-combat

MITCHELL: I think I wrote that myself that day.

RUSH: Yeah, everybody was writing it because the Clintons were spoon-feeding it to the media. Here’s Joe Klein, CNN last night. Anderson Cooper says, ‘What do you make of this discrepancy in Hillary’s story, Joe?’

KLEIN: Well, actually, tonight I had dinner with someone who was on that plane. They were told that they had to take evasive action because of sniper fire, one of those precipitous landings that a lot of us have taken but on the ground there was obviously no problem. It’s a war story, and — and she exaggerated it, and, uh, it doesn’t speak well of her, and it’s very un-Hillary-like.

RUSH: Okay, now… ‘Very un-Hillary-like.’ That’s probably… I can believe that they told the people on that plane, ‘Okay, look, we might have to corkscrew down, and there might be some sniper fire.’ I was told this when I was told that we were going to be landing in Afghanistan, if it was on a military plane. It turned out we went on a UNDC-9. We couldn’t corkscrew and survive if we had to. I could see where she was warned about it, but she exaggerated. ‘Yeah, and it happened, and it happened, and it happened,’ and of course it didn’t. But that is very ‘Hillary-like,’ to talk about things that didn’t happen as though they did.