Mrs. Clinton Threatens Rush

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 5,2008

RUSH: Now, Mrs. Clinton was on Fox News this morning with Steve Doocy, and Steve Doocy and Hillary had this exchange.

DOOCY: Let me ask you about this. Over the last week or so, Rush Limbaugh has been suggesting to his listeners — Republicans, conservatives, mainly — to go ahead in Texas and Ohio to vote for you. What’s your message to Rush Limbaugh today?

HILLARY: Be careful what you wish for, Rush.

WOMAN: Is that it?

HILLARY: I think that’s it.

RUSH: Whoa! Mrs. Clinton has thrown down the gauntlet to your host. (laughter) ‘Be careful what you wish for, Rush.’ Now, we should point out, ladies and gentlemen, she was smiling. We were hoping for the cackle. We didn’t get the cackle, but she was smiling. (laughing) All right, you want to hear it again? ‘Be careful what you wish for, Rush.’ Here it is again.

DOOCY: Let me ask you about this. Over the last week or so, Rush Limbaugh has been suggesting to his listeners, — Republicans, conservatives, mainly — to go ahead in Texas and Ohio to vote for you. What’s your message to Rush Limbaugh today?

HILLARY: Be careful what you wish for, Rush.

WOMAN: Is that it?

HILLARY: I think that’s it.

RUSH: Oooh! How do you interpret this, folks? She could have said thank you. She could have said thank you! In fact, I was expecting in her victory speech last night, to be thanked. I helped give Mrs. Clinton the biggest and happiest moment and night of the campaign season so far, maybe her life, and she tells me, ‘Be careful what you wish for, Rush’? Why, that sounds like a threat, does it not? I’ve got a Democrat presidential candidate threatening your host. Why, I am stunned! After all I did… (laughter)