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Rush’s Morning Update: Uncivil War!
February 15, 2008

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A new fissure has erupted in the Democrat party’s Uncivil War. Now the Reverend Maverick Al Sharpton is battling civil rights leaders.

Julian Bond of the NAALCP and other civil rights hardliners recently appealed to the Great White Father of the DNC, Howard Dean. They begged him to seat delegates from Florida and Michigan at the Democrat Convention. Those states violated Democrat party rules by moving up their primary datesin an attempt to break the hold that New Hampshire and Iowa– low-minority states– had on selecting the nominee.

But the Great White Father of the DNC, Howard Dean– himself from a state with almost no minorities– wanted to keep power in the hands of the fair-skinned Democrats. So he forbade Democrat presidential candidates from campaigning in Florida and Michigan, and refused to seat their delegates. Now the NAALCPclaims that Florida and Michigan minorities will be disenfranchised.

But Reverend Sharpton– a disenfranchisement expert– says thateverybody knew the rules in advance. Changing them now, he says, would be “a grave injustice.” It “smacks of politics in its form most raw,” which “undercuts the moral authority” of the critics.

Now, what’s really behind this? Well, it isn’t “moral authority.” It’s Hillary Clinton! She needs those Florida and Michigan delegates, and “Uncle Bill” civil rights leaders like Julian Bond are beholden to her. Sharpton’sapparently throwing in with Obama.

Sothe Uncivil War heats up: the battle to decide which Democrats are the worst racists!

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