Obama’s War on Global Poverty

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 14,2008

RUSH: Mrs. Clinton this afternoon, Lordstown, Ohio, sort of took off the gloves going after Obama.

HILLARY: Speeches don’t put food on the table. Speeches don’t fill up your tank. Speeches don’t fill your prescriptions, or do anything about that stack of bills that keeps you up at night. That’s the difference between me and my Democratic opponent. My opponent makes speeches. I offer solutions. There’s a lot of talk in his campaign about what kind of change he’ll bring. Well, you know, change is going to happen whether we want it or not. Change is part of life. The question is, who will deliver progress to America? That’s the kind of change we want. We want progress, not just any old change. There’s a big difference between us, speeches versus solutions. Talk versus action.

(playing of Obama spoof)


RUSH: We have uncovered something. We have dug deep and we have found something Obama has done. It is called Senate Bill 2433, the Global Poverty Act of 2007. Senate Bill 2433, the Global Poverty Act of 2007, would ‘require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.’

Cliff Kincaid, in Accuracy in Media, has studied this, and has written it up. He says ‘[A] hugely expensive bill called the ‘Global Poverty Act,’ sponsored by … Obama, was quickly passed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday and could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States. … In a column [that Cliff] posted on the [Accuracy in Media] web site, Kincaid noted that Senator Joe Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was trying to rush Obama’s ‘Global Poverty Act’ (S. 2433) through his committee without hearings. The legislation would commit the US to spending 0.7 percent of gross national product on foreign aid, which amounts to a phenomenal 13-year total of $845 billion over and above what the US already spends,’ on foreign aid. ‘It was scheduled for a Thursday vote but was moved up a day, to Wednesday, and rushed through by voice vote. Kincaid learned, however, that conservative Senators have now put a ‘hold’ on the legislation, in order to prevent it from being rushed to the floor for a full Senate vote.’ Now, the House passed this bill in September. It’s now getting rushed through the committee in the Senate, the Biden committee, to soak the US taxpayers again to fund global, liberal, feel-good garbage.

Senator Obama wrote the bill. This is just the tip of the iceberg, should he win. This is the kind of stuff he wants to do: Blame the United States for the problems of the world; meet with all the thugs and the bad guys, and say, ‘What’s wrong with us? What can we fix to make you like us?’ while he’s out there talking about these platitudinous, vapid change speeches where he says nothing. By the way, I find it very interesting that Senator Biden was trying to rush this through the committee without hearings and to get this thing to the floor. Would this not have been a great thing for Obama to be able to talk about on the presidential campaign trail? When people say he hadn’t done anything and he’s got no record, he could say, ‘Well, I have! I have a Global Poverty Act! We’re going to cure poverty around the world.’ ‘Oh, he’s so wonderful! Obama is going to end poverty.’ And, of course, who knows what Mrs. Clinton’s reaction would have been. The point is, there is substance to Obama, and it isn’t good, from our standpoint.