A Warning to Those in the Central, Mountain and Pacific Time Zones

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 5,2008

RUSH: I want to advise you people in the Central, Mountain, and Western time zones of something that’s going to happen tonight as you turn on your tubes and your TVs to watch election returns on Super Tuesday. Senator McCain is most likely going to win a lot of the early winner take all states in the East. The Drive-By Media will play this up as big as you have seen anything played up. ‘McCain sweeping to victory tonight in the East, look at what’s happening here, Tim.’ ‘Yes, Tom, we see this as a — why, this is a repudiation of all these people.’ They’re going to try to make these eastern states sound like it is over.

And you people in the Midwest and in the Central time zone, Mountain time zone, Pacific time zone, do not be affected by this, because the purpose of the Drive-Bys will be to suppress the vote in later closing states, especially in the West, where it’s looking good or very close for Romney in California. It’s looking good for Romney in Georgia as well. So, folks, I’m telling you, if you’re going to watch this stuff tonight, put a sign under your TV: ‘Media Trying To Manipulate Me Into Not Voting.‘ Don’t listen to them. Remind yourself because that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Now, I mentioned to you, I could have been a liberal talk show host, and I could have done it, and I’ve been approached over the years. I would have felt hollow. I would not have been able to face myself. I can’t make a deal with Ted Kennedy. I wouldn’t want to try to find common ground with my own buds or my own friends. I would have felt dirty. I would have felt so dirty that if I had showered I would still feel that way, and I would have exhausted all the hot water in my house.

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RUSH: I’m telling you, folks, again, of those in the Central, the Mountain, and Pacific time zones, pay no attention to media analysis of the eastern states and their electoral returns tonight. The spin will be to suppress your vote, to depress you from going to the polls. Don’t buy it. Vote however you want. I’m just saying don’t be conned.