Late Night Comedy TV Shows Copy What This Show Started

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 13,2007

RUSH: All right, to the audio sound bites. Last night on Hardball with Chris Matthews, the guest was Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post, who we like here. We’ve always liked Howie. He does his best to get it right and to be fair. Matthews says, ‘Is it better to be noticed and whacked at, or ignored, Howard’ when you’re one of these candidates?

KURTZ: A couple months ago Hillary, you remember, did all five Sunday morning shows, and whenever anyone asked her a reasonably tough question —

MATTHEWS (interruption): That was called ‘the full Ginsburg,’ right?

KURTZ: Yeah. It’s the — after — aft —

MATTHEWS (interruption): He was the guy who was the lawyer for —

KURTZ: Monica Lewinsky’s lawyer.

MATTHEWS (interruption): Lewinsky.

KURTZ: And after any reasonably tough question, she would go, ‘Ha-ha-ha-ha!’ So Jon Stewart spliced all that laughter together and — and made a bit out of it, and that ended up being played on the CBS Evening News! They’re all now adopting The Daily Show technique of using videotape to illustrate the absurdity of politics.

RUSH: Come on, Howard! We started that on the Rush television show in 1992! That’s what the show was. The famous Ron Brown memorial video of Bill Clinton walking along with Tony Campolo, I think it was his name, the minister — and he’s laughing it up and yukking it up, just having the grandest time walking into church at the Ron Brown memorial, spots an NBC camera and in less than half a step, starts faking crying; and Campolo doesn’t get it, keeps laughing.

We put together all kinds of video montages. We did it for four years and we brought that to the radio show as well, and to give Stewart credit, why, that’s just not right, Howard. It’s just not right. So much of what has happened on this program has been stolen and adopted as original by other broadcasts, particularly television. Hell, you know, folks, I’m going to go out and I’m going to go so far out on a limb and tell you nighttime cable television shows are talk radio on TV. What do you think was the inspiration for trying that format on television? It wasn’t Jon Stewart. I’ve got nothing against Jon Stewart. I don’t even know him.