Stem Cell Crowd Still Wants Embryos

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 30,2007

RUSH: Now, we talked about this when it happened not long ago. Remember the scientist who discovered a way to create the equivalent of embryonic stem cells without having to create and destroy embryos? This is wonderful news. It’s absolutely fabulous, fabulous news, and yet the embryonic stem cell crowd is not happy. Michael Kinsley today in a column warns all of us, if you think this issue is going away, you’ve got another think coming. This issue isn’t going to go away, meaning using embryos for embryonic stem cell research, when it isn’t necessary, isn’t going to go away. Because — he doesn’t admit this — the reason it’s not going to go away is because the whole issue is not about embryonic stem cells, and I’m sorry, Mr. Fox, it’s not about Parkinson’s disease, not about anything else, it’s about abortion. It’s about women’s rights and it’s about making sure that nobody can tell a woman what she can or can’t do and it’s also about cheapening life because this is what the left is interested in where abortion is concerned, you can’t say it is anything else. But if you don’t need embryos, and you don’t need to create and destroy embryos to get embryonic stem cells, why should the issue not just go away?

By the way, if I may be self-indulgent for a moment, and I know you’ll accept this because I very rarely am self-indulgent. I want to take you back to the Michael J. Fox television commercials during the ’06 congressional campaign. I refused even during that hubbub and that flap to let my critics shut me up on this. Two things. On the concept of embryonic stem cells being, you know, one of these — it’s just like high cholesterol will you give you a stroke, now we’re being told that only embryonic stem cells can cure people like Christopher Reeve, whoever else. Remember what that was all about. It was about two things. It was about protecting the sanctity of life and making sure also that people, when they enter the political arena, don’t get away with making claims that aren’t true, because they’re sick, or what have you. So principles are principles, instincts are instincts. Always trust both. Really, folks, trust ’em. Try it. Try trusting your instincts. You know what your instincts are? Your instincts are that little voice, your conscience, always trust your instincts. Try it. Most people don’t have the guts to trust themselves, they go ask other people what they think they ought to do. Try trusting your instincts once, and once you find that it works, you’ll find out you don’t have to listen to as many people to find out what you ought to do or say or think.