America’s Infrastructure Isn’t Collapsing

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 30,2007

RUSH: Scott in Bridgeport, West Virginia, I’m glad you called. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thanks for taking my call. Longtime listener, first-time caller.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: If I could I’d like to make two quick points, then I’ll hang up and just listen for your response, please.

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: The first one is with regards to the debate the other night. There was a question by a doctor down in Florida about the infrastructure of the United States with regards to bridges and roads being in such poor shape.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: What I thought of immediately with that was when Franklin Roosevelt, back in the Depression, started the Tennessee Valley Authority and all these other things to create jobs, and I didn’t know if that was a practical thing for our candidates to look at with proposing —

RUSH: There was a depression then. There was a depression. We were in serious trouble. We’re not in a depression right now. The reason bridges are collapsing — and they’re not, by the way. We’ve got one major bridge collapse, and now our bridges are collapsing, our infrastructure is in trouble, the Brooklyn Bridge is going to fall, the Golden Gate Bridge is going to fall, and airplanes are falling out of the sky — typical BS. Our infrastructure may need to be repaired, but the reason it is not being is because politicians who want to get reelected get no big bang out of investing in repairs. There’s no ribbon cutting ceremony at a repair. But you build a new old folks home or a waste treatment center, bridge to nowhere, and you get a blue ribbon ceremony, and you get all kinds of, ‘Oh progress, progress.’ So we’re building all kinds of new buildings, but we’re not doing repairs. Blame Washington, sir.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: And make-work projects. Not the answer. I’ll answer that in greater detail in a second. What’s your second question? Aren’t you glad you asked?

CALLER: Yes, I am. Thank you, sir.

RUSH: That’s another staged question, by the way, down there. This infrastructure question is another BS staged question. Go ahead. Next question.

CALLER: The retired military officer who used to carry the nuclear football for President Bush and Clinton who wrote a book a couple of years ago about how Hillary had such disdain for military people and wearing the uniform around her and like that.

RUSH: Except if they’re gay.

CALLER: Yeah. Exactly. I wonder why none of the Republican candidates have brought up that and her disdain for the military people?

RUSH: Because it’s primary time. Wait for the general. Depending on the gonads and the guts of our guys, this kind of stuff is going to be brought up. If they don’t, we will. It’s going to be brought up. Now, one more thing about this make-work project business. It’s a great point. Hillary disdains the military. Bill Clinton loathes the military. ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell,’ was a way to screw up the military. Pure and simple. Anyway, about this government make-work jobs program, we are, how shall I say, many states, federal government, supposedly in debt, are we not? And in a lot of places, like in Michigan and other parts of the country, people in the private sector are being laid off, they are losing their jobs, because businesses are in trouble, either being run poorly or the economy in which those businesses function is not thriving or what have you. Have you ever noticed that a federal employee never gets fired when the government is inefficient, when it’s bloated, when it is wasting money, when it is run as badly as any business in this country is being run, have you noticed that federal employees never get laid off? When they do, have you noticed — except when the government shuts down — it’s like the end of the world. Why should government employees and their union, why should they be exempt from the same circumstances that determine employment or unemployment in the private sector? Rather than more government, is my point, we need fewer government jobs. We need a smaller bureaucracy, and more competence.