NY Times Has Anti-Gorbasm!

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 16,2007

RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut! To the archives we go, ladies and gentlemen, for an update. It’s a Gorbasm. He’s back in the news, and the New York Times is not happy.

(The Gorbasm Update Theme: The Imperial March — Darth Vader’s Theme — in G Minor)

RUSH: All right, for those of you who have not heard a “Gorbasm,” if this is your first Gorbasm, let me explain to you — and this actually does not qualify as a Gorbasm — this is sort of an anti-Gorbasm from the New York Times. You have to go back to the mid-eighties. Ronaldus Magnus in the White House, the left in this country and around the world scared to death he’s going to order a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union and wipe out the world. They had invested all of their hope for sanity, in he with the birthmark that kept growing as did as Soviet expansion kept going: Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev! He was the savior. He was the hero. As you know, Reagan refused to talk to these Soviet leaders because, as he said, they kept dying on him and they weren’t going to be around long enough for any policy they made to stick.

Finally, Gorbachev agreed to meet in Washington, flew in all these leftists in the media and the exalted State Department types on the tarmac out there at Andrews Air Force Base, and the Aleutian 62 jetliner (technology to build it, no doubt, stolen from Boeing) taxis from the runway to the tarmac where the steps are slowly rolled to the door of the airplane. There is heavy breathing and anticipation waiting for that door to open and the savior, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, to deplane and thus save the world from the madman, Ronaldus Magnus. And, of course, the door did open, and there was Gorbachev with that birthmark. You could see Maine in that birthmark. You could see, well, you see the Gulf of Mexico. You could see a little bit of Florida forming. As Soviet expansionism kept growing, that birthmark grew. He comes out the door at the top of the steps, and there’s a collective (making crowd cheering sound), screaming in joy and so forth, and thus a Gorbasm was born. And, up until today, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is the hero of the left when it comes to the end of the Cold War. Yes, Ronaldus Magnus and Margaret Thatcher had nothing to do with it; it was all Gorbachev with perestroika and glasnost.

Well, the New York Times today has thrown Gorbachev overboard, an editorial entitled, ”Gorbachev’s Baggage’ — The great man clutches the handle of the vintage limousine staring sadly out the window at a chunk of the Berlin Wall with an open Louis Vuitton travel bag on the seat next to him. The message … is a ‘personal journey’ of a beautiful person. It’s a bit of a squeeze to fit Gorbachev, the last leader of the first communist society, into this collage,” but they do it. “Alexandre Litvinenko, you may recall, was the former KGB agent killed by radioactive poison in London. What personal journey is Mr. Gorbachev on now? The ad agency Ogilvy & Mather, insists the magazine part was not intentional. Perhaps not, but the banal message that comes across is of a great figure,” Mikhail Gorbachev, “cashing in. Maybe that accounts for his sad expression.” Ha-ha. So, Gorbachev is being paid a lot of money to appear in a Louis Vuitton ad looking sad.

The New York Times hopes he looks sad, because he knows he’s — what? He’s a traitor. He’s a traitor to the New York Times cause, which is what? If they’re upset with Gorby for going capitalist, what must the New York Times be? It is what we’ve always told you. ‘Mr. Gorbachev has been on this journey before. Ten years ago, he did a TV spot for Pizza Hut that drew considerable scorn. In the ad, he feeds a slice to his 10-year-old granddaughter while Russians debate whether he sold them out or brought them freedom. He argued at the time that he needed money for his foundation. ‘Mr. Gorbachev is one of the peculiar heroes of our time. … So even if we don’t begrudge him the money, it’s sad to contemplate that his personal journey has taken him from there to this.’

The New York Times is just bummed.