Can the Breck Girl Man-Up?

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 13,2007

RUSH: You want to hear something pathetic? Audio sound bite number nine coming up. This is the Breck Girl last Saturday night in Des Moines, after the 2007 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, the Breck Girl. So, I was just talking about no matter how Wolf behaves on Thursday night in the debate in Vegas regarding Mrs. Clinton, if her opponents, you know, man-up, it doesn’t matter what Wolf does. Can the Breck Girl man-up? You tell me. Here he is trying to stick it to Hillary.

EDWARDS: When a campaign plants questions, that’s a control like [President] George Bush is engaged in, and we see what that kind of control has gotten us as a country. We’re better than that, and we ought to have real democratic town hall meetings.

RUSH: He didn’t even mention her name and he attacks Bush, and Bush didn’t plant the question! This is gutless, Breck Girl. Your wife could have done better than this. ‘When a campaign plants questions, that’s a control like [President] George Bush is engaged in, and we see what that kind of control has gotten us as a country’? You know, Breck Girl, you and Obama better understand something: It is Hillary Clinton on those caucus and primary ballots. It is not George W. Bush. What a bunch of blithering idiots. Nobody knows how to run a campaign anymore!